Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2017
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Ed Sheeran stars in the perfect Christmas commercial!
December 20th, 2017 under Ed Sheeran. [ Comments: none ]
The Grammys might have not recognized the brilliant work that Ed Sheeran did with Divide, but Spotify is. They honored the most-streamed artist of 2017 with his own commercial and a yummy gingerbread man cookie to eat. A cookie that was singing his song before the singer bit his head off and silenced it. But what made that moment even more perfect is the evil face Sheeran had as he chomped down on that innocent cookie that did absolutely nothing wrong. That poor gingerbread man, my heart goes out the late great cookie.


If The Room was a music video instead of a movie
December 20th, 2017 under James Franco, Tommy Wiseau. [ Comments: none ]
Thanks to The Disaster Artist, a lot of people are hearing about the painfully awful movie The Room. The Room has gotten so much attention, that Tommy Wiseau is releasing it 500 theaters nationwide. Not sure if you should this movie that is so awful, it has become a cult classic. Watch this music video that Super Deluxe put together to understand the greatness of its awfulness. The only thing missing is how much Wiseau sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger when he speaks. But you still get a good enough feel of for the film that is so bad they had to make a movie about the making of it.

BTW this music video will be playing before the theatrical showings of The Room starting on January 10th.

Can I share something with you? So I saw Greg Sestero, who is the co-star in The Room, in Retro PuppetMaster and I thought he was really cute. After I saw him this film, I do not know how I feel about him anymore.


The Rock and Kevin Hart wrap each other up!
December 20th, 2017 under Kevin Hart, The Rock. [ Comments: none ]

LADBible wanted to do something different with their interview with The Rock and Kevin Hart, so they asked the Jumaji stars to wrap each other up with wrapping paper. One of the actors stood there as the other one wrapped them up, and they spent the whole time going off on each other. When they were done, they were set free. To be honest, I am surprised that Hart cut DJ out his gift because I expected one of them walk away leaving their friend to stand there as a Dick-In-A-Tree! And I also wonder how Hart was able to get the paper up so high on DJ without using a ladder. You know, since Dwayne Johnson is so much taller then the comedian.

If you cannot get enough of these two, then go out and see them in Jumanji today. It is finally out in theaters.


Mark Wahlberg shares his family Christmas Card!
December 20th, 2017 under Marky Mark. [ Comments: none ]

Mark Wahlberg talks about his 4 kids with Rhea Dunham all the time, and yet you rarely ever see them all together as a family. So how can you have a family Christmas Card, without the whole family in one shot. You cannot, so here is mama and papa Wahlberg with Ella Rae, 14, Michael, 11, Brendan, 9, and Grace, 7. Proving they are beautiful bunch when they are all in one photo together.

Only thing missing from the card is a line that, “Say hi to your mother for me!”


Want to own the Screen Used Puppets From Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
December 20th, 2017 under Auctions, For sale. [ Comments: none ]

via Antenna TV
Every year since 1964, families have enjoyed Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer as a Christmas tradition. Now, the man who has the restored screen used puppets of Rudolph and Santa is auctioning them off on eBay. All you need is $10 million dollars and the shipping is free. Thus, if you have that amount lying around the house, then you can watch Rudolph with Rudolph whenever you want.

In case you are wondering, his nose really does light up.


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