Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2017 » June
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Ed Sheeran’s head gives him head!
June 27th, 2017 under Ed Sheeran. [ Comments: 1 ]

Someone made Ed Sheeran a cake of his head and the singer had some fun with it. While most people take a bite out of their face, not the ginger. Instead, he put his little head by the his third one and it took a bite out of him.


Hot Links!
June 26th, 2017 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]


Guess who is literally red hot? – Dlisted

Who got married gaunt? – Wow

Ariel Winter's pointy boobs – GCeleb

Gillian Anderson braless – The Nip Slip

Who is Katy Perry dating now? – Celebslam

The real reason TJ Miller left Silicon Valley – Pajiba

Did Jennifer Lawrence photoshop her body? – Celebitchy


Will Alec Baldwin play 45 again when SNL returns in the Fall?
June 26th, 2017 under Alec Baldwin, Donald Trump, Saturday Night Live, TV News. [ Comments: none ]

Alec Baldwin had hinted that he was ready to hang up his blonde wig on Saturday Night Live, disappointing his biggest fans in the White House and beyond. It has been a few months since the actor said that and CNN just had to know if he changed his mind, like 45 does every day on Twitter? Baldwin told Chloe Melas, “Probably, a little bit of that…A couple of celery sticks now and then but not a whole meal.” Then he added, “I don’t know. I mean, I got a lot of things do this Fall, little things I am working on.”

Then he explained why he will fit it in, “I think people have enjoyed it.” That is a huge understatement. We have loved it so much we want to do illegal things to it. I am willing to forego him hosting Match Game just to keep him on SNL all season long. While I have been avoiding all the comedy shows making fun of the President, the only one I can tolerate is Baldwin. I cannot stand 45 and I think he is joke. He is just not a funny one that all those shows make him out to be. SNL gets it right because they nail every stupid thing he does in a brilliant way.

And on that note, CNN this better not be fake news because that would be cruel to do.


BTWF roles: Russell Crowe on Young Doctors
June 26th, 2017 under Before They Were Famous, Russell Crowe. [ Comments: none ]

Before Russell Crowe was surrounded by his Merry Men in Robin Hood, he was lonely because his parents did not spend time with him on Young Doctors. How sweet and innocent did the then 12-year-old doctor look in that 1977 episode?


Finally, there is something that The Rock cannot do!
June 26th, 2017 under The Rock. [ Comments: none ]

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It seems like The Rock can do anything like acting, wrestling, singing, being a great person and even better father, but there is one thing he cannot do. What is that one thing? He cannot do an Arnold Schwarzenegger impression to save a movie. Although, I do not think anything could have saved Central Intelligence or Baywatch. I love you guy, but sorry those movies were painfully bad. So maybe there are two things he cannot do.


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