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March 8th, 2017 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Guess who gets sexier with age? – Dlisted

STFU – Celebitchy

Virginity stories – The Frisky

Is that you Jonah Hill? – Celebslam

Nicole Kidman topless – The Nip Slip

Who quit It's Always Sunny? – Pajiba

Who shaved her head? – Moe Jackson


Do Josh Gad and James Corden have something to tell us?
March 8th, 2017 under James Corden, Josh Gad. [ Comments: none ]

James Corden was photographed as the Belle to Josh Gad’s Lumiere and you have to wonder if Beauty and the Beast have something to tell us? It is up to you to figure out which one is which.

Anyways, they do have something tell us. Coming up on soon on The Late Late Show, Crosswalk the Musical: Beauty and the Beast. I can’t wait to be their guest when they take over Beverly Blvd.


BTWF role: Kal Penn on Spin City
March 8th, 2017 under Before They Were Famous, Bill Lawrence, Kal Penn. [ Comments: none ]
Before Kal Penn was partying in college with Van Wilder, he was doing that with Charlie Sheen on Spin City. He looks the same now as he did when he was 23 in that 2000 episode.


What happened to James Van Der Beek?
March 8th, 2017 under Dawsons Creek, James Van Der Beek. [ Comments: none ]

James Van Der Beek turned the big 4-0 today and overnight he started to get those chin hairs that older people get. Someone get him to Esthetician ASAP because he needs to get those facial pubes waxed off.

Thankfully, I think that beard is fake and will be gone before you can sing Happy Birthday to him! Which is a good thing because Dawson doesn’t look good with facial hair. Sorry, we know your ugly crying face in its entirety.


You’ll never listen to Imagine and 9 other songs the same way!
March 8th, 2017 under Beatles, Britney Spears, The Police. [ Comments: none ]

Whenever I hear John Lennon’s Imagine, I always think of as a song about Utopia and peace. Well, Matthew Santoro just shot that theory to Hell and back and then back to Hell and left it there. He says there have been rumors that the song is more about Communism. No Countries, no religions and no possession is the ideology of Communist Manifesto. And with that, I will never listen to that song ever again. At least not in the same way.

That wasn’t the only Beatles songs he talked about in his 10 Songs with Creepy Hidden Messages Vlog. He also talks about Strawberry Fields Forever, Revolution 9, I’m So Tired and Blackbird. If you plays those songs backwards or in between the latter two, you will hear references to Paul McCartney being dead. A reference that is still very well known today. As we know Paul is not dead, but sadly John Lennon and George Harrison are.

Another Global sensation also making the list is Britney Spears. Did you know if play her first hit backwards, you will hear, “Sleep with me, I am not too young.” Hit Me Baby One More Time because I can’t believe that even though I heard it for myself. I guess she’s not that innocent.

Metal songs also made the list. But what about the Classic Rock iconic diddy Hotel California. How did that get on there? Turns out people thinks they are singing about Devil worship. Read these lyrics without thinking of the tune, “This could be Heaven or this could be Hell” and “You can check-out any time you like, But you can never leave!” The band says it is about the music industry, but I don’t know anymore.

The only thing I do know is Sting was stalking his ex when he wrote Every Breath You Take.

Well, the morale of this story is that kids are missing out records because you can’t play an Digital Track or a CD backwards to hear a secret meaning.

I am off to listen to songs that don’t have creepy secret meanings like Cyndi Lauper’s She Bop and Boomtown Rats’ I Don’t Like Mondays. Going into my safe space.


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