Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2017 » January
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Hot Links!
January 16th, 2017 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Guess who is wearing the puffy shirt? – Dlisted

Amy Adams nip slip – The Nip Slip

Who lost 50 pounds? – Celebitchy

Ha ha, Jaden Smith, ha ha! – Egotastic

Teri Hatcher is aging naturally – Celebslam

Mickey Rourke speaks! – The Wow Report

Kate Upton spilling out of her top – WWTTD

Bella Thorne's sexy polaroids – Hollywood Tuna


Ice-T selling Lemonade
January 16th, 2017 under Ads, Ice-T/ Coco. [ Comments: none ]
Even though Ice-T stars on Law & Order: SVU and still tours with his music, he was seen selling Lemonade on the street with some kids. Does that mean he has hit hard times? No, it just means he is doing a funny commercial for Geico.
Although, if he sells lemonade, then doesn’t that make it an Arnold Palmer?


Oreo Cadbury Eggs are a thing!
January 16th, 2017 under Fast Food, Junk Food. [ Comments: none ]

If you are like me, then you look forward to Easter every year because of Cadbury Eggs. What could make them more special? How about if they are Oreo flavored? Oh yes! They are thing and according to People Magazine they will be available in the States a month from now. I don’t know about you, but it has be hopping around like a bunny!
Seriously, this is the best thing to happen to candy since Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups with Reese’s Pieces inside of them. Have you tried those little pieces of heaven on Earth? So scrumptious.


Miley Cyrus really needs to get her roots done
January 16th, 2017 under Miley Cyrus. [ Comments: none ]

We all know that Miley Cyrus is not a natural blonde and now you can really tell that. That’s because she hasn’t touched up her roots in a long time. Why? Is she paying homage to Berlin’s Terri Nunn? Nope as she explained, “goin back 2 muah rootz #LAZY #growingphase.”
As we know the growing out phase is the worst, but when it is grown out it is the best.
How do you feel about her carpet matching her drapes again?


2 Broke Girls’ Beth Behrs and Kat Dennings have seen better days
January 16th, 2017 under 2 Broke Girls, Better Days. [ Comments: none ]

A video posted by Kat Dennings (@katdenningsss) on

Beth Behrs and Kat Dennings look like the walking dead, so did someone in Craft Services forget to make their coffee just the right way? Nope, on tonight’s 2 Broke Girls episode at 9p they play Zombies. Why? We will just have to tune in.
BTW their makeup department did a better job on them for one episode than the ones who work on The Walking Dead and Z Nation who do it all the time. Doesn’t it hurt your brain how good they look?


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