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Will & Grace is coming back!
January 18th, 2017 under Debra Messing, NBC, Sean Hayes. [ Comments: none ]
After months of speculation that Will & Grace was coming back for another season, NBC finally made it official today. That’s right Will & Grace & Jack & Karen aka Eric McCormack, Debra Messing, Sean Hayes and Megan Mullaly will all be back next season for 10 episodes 11 years after it went off the air. When Will it Grace our televisions again is yet to be determined but they are coming back so who cares when. Unless they do a Coach. Remember that revival that didn’t happen?
What should NBC do next? I say in the era, they should bring back Family Ties with Alex P Keaton raising his teens who are die hard Democrats! How awesome would that be?
Back to Will & Grace Jennifer Salke, President of NBC Entertainment, explained how it happened, “We started talking with (Max) Mutchnick and (David) Kohan about producing new episodes right after they shot the secret reunion show back in September, and the fact that all four of the original stars were excited about getting back into production is a testament to the joyful experience they had doing nearly 200 episodes for eight seasons. Few things cut through the clutter these days, especially in comedy, and ‘Will and Grace’ is one of the best.”
Therefore casts of shows who want to come back, all you need to do is shoot a secret reunion and create a lot of buzz about it. C’mon Queer as Folk, let’s do this!!!


American Housewife’s Katy Mixon is pregnant!
January 18th, 2017 under American Housewife, Jimmy Kimmel, Katy Mixon, Preggers. [ Comments: none ]

Katy Mixon was on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday and she told the ABC late night host that she is 5 and half months pregnant with a boy. Best part for her, her ABC sitcom is not hiding it because the creator told she could totally get pregnant if she wanted to. Therefore, she did.
I seriously had no idea she was expecting a child with her fiance’ Breaux Greer. In fact, when I was watching the show yesterday, I thought she might’ve lost a few pounds. Turns out, it is the opposite. Since she is tall and the show will be done filming new episodes before she gives birth, I doubt they will write her pregnancy into it. But here’s the question, what will happen next season (if they get picked up, which they better) and she loses all of her baby weight? At least she won’t be in a rush to do that, so take your time like most new mothers.


Rockin’ birds is something we all need today!
January 18th, 2017 under Animals. [ Comments: none ]

We all need a pick me up today and these birds Rockin’ out is just what the doctor ordered. I am not a bird person, but I want one after this. And my cat told me, she always wanted one. She gets all she wants, so maybe I will play that Duran Duran song for them as they get to know each other. Or maybe the theme from Benny Hill will be a better choice.
Anyways sit back and enjoy this compilation that The Pet Collective put together of birds getting their groove on.


Do you want to devour up Santa Clarita Diet?
January 18th, 2017 under Drew Barrymore, Netflix, Timothy Olyphant. [ Comments: none ]
The first trailer is out for Drew Barrymore’s Santa Clarita Diet and the Zombie dramedy looks like it is killer. It is in on the joke and you have to be if you are going to make a show a like that.
Plus how scrumptious does Timothy Olyphant look? So yummy!
The only negative I have about it, is I want to know how she became a Zombie?


Rebel Wilson kicks a man where it hurts!
January 18th, 2017 under Rebel WIlson. [ Comments: none ]

A video posted by Rebel Wilson (@rebelwilson) on

Rebel Wilson is hard at work on Pitch Perfect 3 and looks like her trainer won’t be getting hard for a while. That is because, she kicked her stunt trainer right up in the balls. Why her character would need to know that in this movie we don’t know. We will just have to wait until the movie comes out to find out. Hopefully by then the pain will subside for Niko. Poor Niko!


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