Matthew McConaughey made a shocking reveal today on Live with Kelly today. Back in 1999, the Oscar winner was balding. He used some product called Region X and it miraculously grew back. In fact, it grew back so well that there is a hair transplant convention that uses his photo as a model of the perfect hair transplant. Only problem is he never had one. That will be an interesting conversation when they show his photo at this year’s event.
Before Dolly Parton had more hits than you can count, she was singing her first one, Dumb Blonde, on The Bobby Lord Show. Even though she was just 21 at the time, she already that personality we know and love today back in 1967.
Andrew Dice Clay told Conan O’Brien tonight that he thinks that Donald Trump stole his act, and I think he is right. I mean, as soon as the Diceman said that, it was like it all makes sense now. The stuff Drumpf says, is stuff that sounds like it is coming from Dice’s mouth, but it isn’t. It is coming out of the other one’s lips. Which makes it that much more scary. Dice knows it is a joke and it’s not real, the other one does not.
Chris Pratt is guest starring on his wife’s show tonight and looks like Anna Faris isn’t the only one on the set of Mom who is attracted to him. So are all of the other women on the set. Look at them fawn over him. Look at his face, he is afraid. I guess there is a downside of being a chick magnet.