Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2016 » December
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Rabbi Charlie Sheen?
December 28th, 2016 under Charlie Sheen. [ Comments: 3 ]

Believe it or not, Charlie Sheen is part Jewish and looks like that side of him is coming out. Here’s a photo of him dressed as an Orthodox Jew and why he is looks like that isn’t really explained. The actor said, “Happy fourth night of Hanukkah everyone. Getting in character for my short film directed by Sean Penn. ‪Title: ‘Tallit like it is…’ ‪Everywhere; Passover 2017‬.”
Either that movie is really coming out next year or it is a Chanukkah miracle. I kind of hope it is both.


Hot Links!
December 27th, 2016 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Guess who left nothing to the imagination? – Dlisted

My poor eyes – Celebslam

Who had a vag slip? – The Nip Slip

Katy Perry got cream pied – GCeleb

Is Kim Kardashian a communist? – Complex

Who is J-Lo spending NYE with? – Celebitchy


Kanye West and Kim Kardashian wish us a Happy Holidays!
December 27th, 2016 under Kanye West, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

I guess Kanye West and Kim Kardashian’s holiday card went out late because we just got it 2 days after Christmas. The singer shared a “happy” family photo with him, his wife and their kids North and Saint. Only thing missing is that annual roundup that is all about her posing nude again and again, him pissing off a lot of people, him declaring he wants to run for President in 2020, her being held at gunpoint in Paris and him being held in the hospital for well, we know.


RIP Carrie Fisher
December 27th, 2016 under Obits, Star Wars. [ Comments: 1 ]

Carrie Fisher passed away today at the age of 60 from the heart attack she suffered on Friday according to The New York Times.
She always has been and will always be Princess Leia from the Star Wars franchise. We loved her for that role as much as we love her what she did and said off-camera. She was an open book and as author of many autobiographies, she shared anything and everything about her life. Nothing was a secret and it was refreshing. From the good times to the bad times, she made us laugh and understand what she was going through.
She was a survivor until the end and now her legacy will live on through her movies, her daughter Billie Lourd and her dog Gary.
Today, keep her force alive by watching one of her many roles or interviews. It has I will be spending the day.


Helen Mirren gets recognized in the toilet!
December 27th, 2016 under Graham Norton, Helen Mirren. [ Comments: none ]

Graham Norton wanted to know where is some of the strangest places Will Smith, Martin Freeman and Helen Mirren get recognized, and the Dame had the best answer. Of course. She explained, “You’re stuck. Then there are other people in the cue, word goes out and then you are having a conversation whole cue of people all the time slowly moving towards the cabin that is empty. Knowing everyone is going to be listening. It is mortifying.”
Then Martin Freeman, explained how he was recognized when he was younger in the bathroom, two men wanted to know if he was big down there.
In other words, leave celebs alone when they are in the loo. Although men, it is OK to look and tell me!


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