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The triplets take a trip together on This Is Us tonight!
November 29th, 2016 under NBC, This Is Us. [ Comments: none ]
Tonight at 9p on This Is Us, the triplets decide to take one last trip to their family’s cabin before their mother sells it.
Randall (Sterling K Brown) is dealing with finding out that his mother knew who is adoptive father was since he was baby and didn’t tell him until now that she knew. Kate (Chrissy Metz) is still deciding whether or not to get Gastric Bybass surgery after nearly dying in a plane crash. Kevin (Justin Hartley) is just dealing with Kevin things. Which is why he ignored the fact that this was just about the three of them and invited some people from his play to join them.
One of those friends brought a special drink that Randall accidentally gets his hands on. One that causes him to see his late father and converse with each other. The two have a conversation and he comes to a realization. What that is, we will find out at the end of the episode. I won’t tell you what it is, but I will tell you to get the tissues ready. But isn’t that every week with this heartwarming drama?


Is John Stamos getting ready to propose?
November 29th, 2016 under Do they have something to tell us?, John Stamos. [ Comments: none ]

Ever since John Stamos got divorced the Playboy has pretty much led a pretty celebrate assistance. But then a few months ago, he got serious with a new woman. Yesterday, he shared a photo of himself holding an engagement ring looking like he is ready to pop the question? Therefore, did he tell us before he Caitlin McHugh?
In a way yes, but the ring is not for her. Then who? It is for someone on Scream Queens. Who that mystery person is, we will just have to keep tuning in to the Fox horredy every Tuesday at 9p to find out.


Lupita Nyong’o thinks #2 is a #1
November 29th, 2016 under Billy Eichner. [ Comments: none ]

Lupita Nyong’o went for a walk in NYC with Billy Eichner and you know where this story goes. The Oscar winner tested out her Comedy skills by reading bits from some of the raunchiest comics out there like Louis CK, Bob Saget and Daniel Tosh. But she didn’t just read it to Billy on the Street, he stopped people on the street to get their opinions. I might not have been one of the NYers he stopped, but I will still give my thoughts. Good thing she already has the golden statuette because she would never win one after that. That was atrocious. Like beyond bad.


Orlando Bloom is pretty in pink bunny ears
November 29th, 2016 under Kate Bosworth/Orlando Bloom. [ Comments: 2 ]

Orlando Bloom is opening the Victoria’s Secrets Fashion Show next week. He might not be an Angel like his ex-wife, but looks like he is a bunny like a Playboy Playmate I am assuming he dated at one point. Not saying he did, but he seems like the type who would.
Granted now he has settled down with Katy Perry and look what she has done to him.


Did Hell freeze over for Barbra Streisand?
November 29th, 2016 under Barbra Streisand, Politics, Strange Encounters. [ Comments: none ]

Did you know that Barbra Streisand is on the road and one of her stops was Houston? That is pretty shocking, but what is even more shocking is that she met another Barbara before she hit the stage. That Babs is First Lady Barbara Bush and her husband President George Bush. Who would have ever thought that one of the biggest Democrats in Hollywood would be so happy to hang out with a Republican President and his First Lady.
The admiration didn’t stop there. After their green room exchange, she welcomed them to join her on stage. She was more than happy to share the spotlight with them, as she said, “The standing ovation they received when I introduced them from the stage was truly moving.”
I knew we were experiencing Hell on Earth the day Trump was elected President, now it looks like it froze over. What a wacky November.


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