Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne’s marriage has survived a third of a century, drugs, abuse and a Reality Show, but there is something it couldn’t survive. As of now we don’t know what it is, but we do know that he has moved out of their home according to Eonline.
I am sure she will talk about their sad split tomorrow on The Talk, but until then we will just have to guess what it is.
If they can’t make it work, who can?
via Conan
To all the wonderful Mothers out there, may today special. May it be filled with homemade breakfasts, lots of kisses and most importantly love. You deserve it because you have the toughest job out there. Today is your day and your kids better show you their appreciation.
We know that Tracy Morgan is hysterical, but did you know he can play air guitar? In fact, that is his pre-show ritual and yesterday he showed us it. He is so awesome at rockin’ out, I think if this comedy thing doesn’t work he should go on tour with this act. Now I wonder who else he get to be in the band?
If cops want to put Jane Fonda in a pair handcuffs, then they better think again. That’s because she showed Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show that she is double jointed and there isn’t any handcuffs she can’t get out of. Which also sucks for her lovers who want to try something kinky with her.
If you are like me, then you are sick of horror movies about Zombies, Vampires, haunted houses or items and possessions? Well Bite is a throwback to when horror movies were scary and CGI wasn’t used. In other words, you will be having nightmares for weeks after watching this film that is out now on VOD, OnDemand and playing in select theaters.
Cassey (Elma Begovic) and her two friends, Jill (Annette Wozniak) and (Denise Yuen), go to Costa Rica to celebrate her upcoming nuptials to Jared (Jordan Gray). While they are there, they meet some guys who tell them about this beautiful spot that tourists don’t know about. They convince the guys to tell them where it is, so that they go there and see it for themselves. As soon as they arrive, they play in the unique beautiful water. That is when Cassey’s life is changed by what seems to be an innocent bug bite.
When she gets home, she starts to feel sick but isn’t too worried. First, she pukes up a strange clear sticky substance. Then the wound won’t stop oozing a thick puss. Even her hearing starts to improve. Yet, she doesn’t do anything about it because it is just a bug bite. Even the clinic doesn’t seem worried and tells her to get some over the counter medicine. It’s just a bug bite, right?
But then, she can’t ignore it anymore. Not only is her skin starting to change, so is her apartment. It’s slowly turning into a hive for her and her eggs. That’s right, millions of eggs.
She doesn’t really understand how much of a transformation she has been through until her bitchy and controlling future mother in law comes to see her. When Cassey loses her temper, she spits an acid like substance onto her lover’s mom that dissolves her face. That incident changes her, but is it too late to save her?
One by one her friends and her fiance’ try to help her, but not all of them are going to make it out of there alive. Who will survive? You will just have to watch this petrifying movie to find out. Well as much as you can because your hands will be over your eyes for most of it.
Bite is paced out perfectly, not too fast and not too slow. Slow enough to creep you out, but fast enough so you don’t get bored. It is just like how the classics knew how to perfectly time out a film.
Another element that plays into the terrifying factor is that there is little to no CGI in it. You feel like you are watching her transform and not seeing a computer do it for us.
But it is the story that is the scariest factor of it all. No one thinks a bug bite will turn you into a bug, but what if it did? That is what this movie answers.
Even though I won’t be sleeping for a week after watching this, I can’t wait for them to come out with a sequel to this terrifying tale. Yes, wait until you see how they leave the door open for that possibility.
If you love to be frightened, but haven’t found a movie that can satisfy this need. Then you are going to want to watch Bite as soon as possible to cure what is missing from your life.