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Happy Independence Day!
July 4th, 2024 under SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]

Happy Independence Day! The day we broke free Mad King George. Only to have it all go to shit less than 250 years later.

And that is what being an America is all about. We can bash a former president and not be arrested for it. Yet!


Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow
February 2nd, 2024 under Punxsutawney Phil, SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]

via WLTX

Today is Groundhog’s Day, so that means we are going to watch the Bill Murray movie again.

Well, that, and find out if Punxsutawney Phil is going to see his shadow. If he sees it, that means we get six more weeks of Winter. And if he doesn’t, then we get an early Spring.

So what happened this morning? He didn’t see it! So start exercising because the warm weather is going to come sooner than we know it!


Danny Pintauro shows he’s the boss of Christmas!
December 25th, 2023 under SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]

Danny Pintauro dressed up his black romper with a Santa hat and danced to Donde Esta Santa Claus by Augie Rios. And he personifies Christmas!

And with his hip-shaking moves, I wish you all a Merry Christmas!


Happy Thanksgiving!
November 23rd, 2023 under SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]

I am so thankful for so many things! But mostly, I am so thankful for all of you!

May you find yourself as stuffed as the turkey!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Who had an earthquake during a hurricane in Southern California on their bingo card?
August 20th, 2023 under SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]

So, we here in Los Angeles, have been preparing for Hurricane Hilary. That’s right, a hurricane in Southern California. So our phones have been blowing up with alerts.

Then around 2:30p, we got one that read, “Earthquake detected! Drop, Cover, Hold On. Protect Yourself.” It was like, really? What else? I don’t want to know at this point because this is a lot.

While I didn’t feel the 5.1 quake that was centered in Ojai, my poor cat freaked out just like our friend Juan Fernandez on KCAL. Poor Juan always gets caught live on the air with earthquakes. And I remember the days when he was covering hurricanes in Miami. Talk about life full circle.


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