Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2016 » May
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Hey Zac Efron, I bet you think that article is about you?
May 24th, 2016 under Uncategorized, Zac Efron. [ Comments: none ]

While most celebrities Google themselves, Zac Efron buys the magazines he’s in and reads them. Not only does he read them, he shares Selfies of himself checking himself out. Who says celebs are vain?
Actually, he wanted to let us know that his feature story in Men’s Fitness is a pretty accurate write up about his life.


Watch Kelly Ripa lick a pussy!
May 24th, 2016 under Fred and Ben Savage, Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos. [ Comments: 1 ]

Now that the whole Michael Strahan scandal is last week’s news, Live with Kelly needs a new way to get people to talk about the talk show. Today, Kelly Ripa licked a pussy. Wait that is not safe for morning TV? It is when she is a using a fake tongue called the Licki Brush on an animated stuffed kitty. Did it work? Are you talking about the show?
Now when it comes to the Licki Brush, my cat thinks that it is for the dogs. Like if I bought one, I will wish I had a dog to protect me from her. Who would buy that for their feline friend? Not me.
Talking about feline friends, I want that animated kitty for my cat. Actually, I want it for me and will pretend it’s for her.
And when it comes to animated, I so think that Fred Savage will be the next co-host of Live. Don’t you?


Howie Mandel with hair
May 24th, 2016 under Howie Mandel. [ Comments: none ]

When Howie Mandel was younger, he had a full of head of curls. That was then and now he is bald. We have gotten so used to his chrome dome that we forgot what he looked with hair. That all changed because he wore a wig on the red carpet. Even though he looks good either way, I think he should consider growing back his locks. What do you think, hair or no hair?


Salma Hayek and Susan Sarandon compare cleavages!
May 24th, 2016 under Salma Hayek, Susan Sarandon. [ Comments: none ]

Salma Hayek has a new Breast Friend Forever and her name is Susan Sarandon. The two Oscar winners compared their Thelma and Louises and Hayek declared that Sarandon’s are bigger.
Whose do you think are bigger? You know you are looking at them just like they are gazing at each others boobs. It is OK to stare, but not to touch-a, touch-a, touch them.


Chewbacca Mom gets mask tips from J.J. Abrams
May 24th, 2016 under James Corden, Star Wars. [ Comments: none ]

Chewbacca Mom was on The The Late Late Show Show yesterday and James Corden got her back in a car with the infamous mask! But they weren’t alone. In galaxy far far away, also known as the backseat, sat J.J. Abrams. The legendary director gave her some tips on how to use the mask properly, so that Chewbacca’s true roar can come out. Once the two of them perfected it, it was time for the CBS host to join in. What’s better than Candace Payne laughing in the Star Wars mask while sitting in an automobile? Three people doing it at once. It’s triple the funny!
Abrams wasn’t the only surprise Corden had for her. Peter Mayhew, who is under the Wookie suit, sent her an email that he can’t wait to meet her and her whole family at a Dallas Convention in 2 weeks.
I think out of all of the talk show appearances she has done, this one has to be her favorite.
BTW is just me or do James Corden and her look like twins with and without the masks?


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