Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2016 » April
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They don’t make movies like Robot Monster anymore!
April 19th, 2016 under Cheezy Flicks. [ Comments: none ]

Imagine a movie where a man in a gorilla suit and a diving helmet comes down to Earth and kills all but six of the humans. The more time Ro-Man spends with them, the more he gets to know them and falls in love with one of the surviving women.
If you can’t, then you need to buy it from Cheezy Flicks for $2 so that you can see it to believe it. Then show it to your friends, so that they can see the brilliant type of movies they don’t make anymore. The world be a better place if they did. Well not the world that was featured in Robot Monster, but ours.


BTWF pageants: Gal Gadot competing at Miss Universe
April 19th, 2016 under Before They Were Famous, Gal Gadot. [ Comments: none ]

Before Gal Gadot was Wonder Woman, she was Miss Israel at the Miss Universe competition. She is just as beautiful now as she was when she was 19 in that 2004 pageant.


Is this one of the weirdest answers on Family Feud?
April 19th, 2016 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Family Feud has had a lot of strange answers on the show, and this might be the strangest one of them all. Steve Harvey asked the contestants, “Name something that people tie up?”
After the two people at the Face Off did not guess an answer that was one the board, it was time to go to the families to see if they could to be better.
Something the host would quickly regret when he asked Kashyap for the answer. He proudly said, “Criminals to a railroad track.” What? Someone has been watching way too many Silent Movies because no one else would’ve guessed that answer. Was it up there? The game show judges stretched it to give it to him. How? They had, “People/Kinky Lover,” up there. It was not the #1 answer. Which is shocking because the only thing I tie up is my lover to the bed. Who are those 29 people who tie their shoes over the partner? What’s up with that?


Containment is infectious
April 19th, 2016 under The CW. [ Comments: none ]
Maybe it is because I am obsessed with plagues? Or maybe it’s because I worked in the area that is quarantined in Containment. Whatever it is, I am obsessed with this horrifying CW drama that debuts at 9p tonight.
A patient comes into the hospital with a cold, and hours later his doctor is sick and coughing up blood. She isn’t the only one, so is her boyfriend and anyone who came in contact with them. This unknown virus, which has never been seen before, is 100% fatal. Also if you come in contact with someone who has it, you will show symptoms within hours and die a few hours after that.
The CDC is located a few miles away from ground zero, and they don’t know what they are dealing with. What they do know is that they have to contain it and contain it now. So they section off that part of Atlanta, and no one is allowed in and no one is allowed out.
The police and medical personal abandon their jobs. Businesses start hiking up their prices. People are wary of strangers and will leave the sick out to die. In fact, they will also leave the healthy outside to die in order to protect themselves. As the tension grow, anger is almost as deadly as the virus.
Now the people of a small but populated section of Atlanta have to survive, not only the deadliest virus in centuries, they also have to survive each other. Both of which are proving to be nearly impossible.
Imagine being the teacher (Kristen Gutoskie) of 11 year olds, including your son, and you get trapped with them in the hospital where the first patients developed symptoms and died. How do you protect them? How do you keep them calm? How do you remain sane and try to be strong around them when you know what it is really going on?
Imagine being a cop (Chris Wood) and you have seen what this virus can do firsthand. What if you were one of the only cops left on the force in all of this madness? Would you still do a job that no one is doing?
What if you were very pregnant teenager (Hanna Mangan Lawrence) and your mom runs one of the only groceries in the cordoned off area? She wants you to give up the baby and you baby daddy is trapped outside of the quarantined area. What if all of your friends were dead from the epidemic? What if people wanted to take over the store and kill all of you?
These are just three of the many people trapped in Containment.
As the episodes go on, you watch as the healthy people turn on each other instead of helping one another. The resources will run out and getting them inside will be more challenging than originally thought. Will anyone get out of there alive? We will just have to keep tuning into this even series to find out.
Today, I re-watched the first two episodes and it really scared the crap out of me. The concept of sectioning off a major city and leaving the people there to fend for themselves while a deadly virus is sweeping through it is just too much to imagine. Especially for me, thinking what it would be like to be trapped with my former co-workers most of whom I hated and who also hated me. That is scarier to me than the virus.
Actually just checked, my old job was just outside of the contained area. Now I can sort of sleep tonight.


Looks like Molly Quinn will be back on Castle next season?
April 19th, 2016 under Nathan Fillion. [ Comments: none ]
Yesterday, it was announced that ABC did not ask two of Castle’s female leads to come back next season, if there is one. While Stana Katic and Tamala Jones will not be back, to me it looks like Molly Quinn will return for season 9. Why do I say that? Today she Tweeted, “It’ll be different, way way way different, but it is #Castle @NathanFillion IS Castle.”
So a little background, according to the rumors, Katic and Nathan Fillion did not get along. Us Weekly even claims that things got so bad, they went to couples counseling this season to work out their difference. Does not sound like it worked.
These rumors have been around for years and it looks like Quinn sided with her TV dad per her last Tweet on this matter. She did Tweet earlier, “Yesterday was a horrible day. Ya’ll’re right, I did work with @Stana_Katic and @tamalajones for 8 yrs. I love them. I’m heartbroken.”
I am reading too much between the lines because I have to admit I sided with Katic on the matter. Without Beckett keeping Castle in order, the show is seems out of control. Just let Castle do what he wants and that gets boring fast because he comes off as a buffoon. Without the police force backing him up, he does what he wants and that gets old fast.
When it comes to Quinn staying on, I find her just blah. Katic was one of the few leading ladies, teamed up with a male lead, who actually had some balls.
ABC, in my opinion, really screwed things up and the only way to rectify their mistake is to end the show this season That and the show has majorly declined creatively this season. It is barely watchable and yesterday’s episode was not even that.
Coincidentally, yesterday’s episode was called Backstabber. Talk about reading between the lines…
I should add Fillion Tweeted this statement, “Castle has been one of the greatest joys of my creative life, and I hope the show continues on for years to come. Stana has been my partner all this time, and I thank her for creating the character of Beckett, who will live on for all of us as one of the greatest police officers on television. I wish her well, and have no doubt she will succeed in everything she pursues. She will be missed.”


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