Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2016 » March
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The Last Man on Earth survives another season with Brooklyn Nine-Nine
March 24th, 2016 under Fox. [ Comments: none ]
Fox announced today that they picked up The Last Man on Earth and Brooklyn Nine-Nine for another season. The 2 sitcoms join Gotham, Scream Queens, Empire, Bones, The Simpsons, Bob’s Burgers and Family Guy as shows that will be on Fox next season.
While B99 is not a surprise, I am kind of shocked that Last Man will be back. Besides taking a ratings hit, I think the show lost its way this year. It is not as good creatively as it was last year. It is kind of just there as compared to last season when each week they had a moment during each episode that made you go wow and want to tune in the following week to find out what happened. This season that has been a rarity.
What do you think of the renewals?


RIP Garry Shandling
March 24th, 2016 under Obits. [ Comments: none ]

Garry Shandling passed away suddenly today at the age of 66 according to TMZ.
The comedian started out behind the scenes writing on shows like Sanford & Son and Welcome Back Kotter. In between that, he did many stints on late night television before getting the It’s Garry Shandling;s Show on Fox in 1986. Two years after that sitcom ended, he landed his career defining role in The Larry Sanders Show. When it was on the air, everyone wanted to be on it but it was David Duchovny who left the biggest impression as a guest.
Then in the new millennium, he jumped over to the big screen starring in What Planet Are You From?, Town & Country, Iron Man 2 and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Most recently he appeared on Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee by Jerry Seinfeld in January.
Today, don’t remember him with tears, remember him with laughter. You can watch many of his classic standup routines on YouTube. I know it eased my pain over his shocking loss.


Where Fifty Shades books go to die
March 24th, 2016 under Fifty Shades. [ Comments: 1 ]

A few years ago, almost everyone had to get their hands on Fifty Shade of Grey. Now, they can’t wait to get rid of those books. According to Metro, hundreds of people have dumped their copy of the trashy novel at a used bookstore in Swansea. Oxfam has received so many copies of the books that not have they built a fort that is fifty shades of tall, they are also asking people to stop trying to sell them to the second hand store.
What will happen to all the extra books that they have? The paper says they will go to Goldstone Books where they will either be sold or recycled. Chances are it will be the latter because anyone who has wanted to read Fifty Shades, has already done so. And it is not the type of book you want to read again.


Man arrested for not returning Freddy Got Fingered in 2002
March 24th, 2016 under Odd. [ Comments: none ]
Anyone who has seen Freddy Got Fingered knows that movie should be considered a crime, but is it enough to get you arrested. For a North Carolina a man, it is. According to WSOC, James Meyers was pulled over for a broken tail light. Then when cops checked his license, they discovered he had a warrant out for his arrest for not returning the movie back in 2002. The video rental place (like almost all of them) has since closed down, but the case against him is still open.
Now, he has to wait to find out if the charges against him will be dropped.
If not, Tom Green told The New York Daily News, “If it’s 200 bucks of course I’ll pay it for him, just for the principle of the thing.” Why $200? The paper says, “Not returning rental property is a Class 3 misdemeanor in North Carolina and punishable by a fine of up to $200.” And you wonder why videostores went out of business?
Now, when it comes to Freddy Got Fingered, if you are the least bit tempted to see what this movie, that no one has talked about since 2002, is all about, don’t. It is one of the worst pieces of crap I have ever seen and I have seen a lot of horrible movies.


Keri Russell warns herself not to get that awful Felicity haircut
March 24th, 2016 under Full House, Keri Russell, Seth Meyers, Superman/Spider-Man. [ Comments: none ]
Yesterday, on Late Night with Seth Meyers, Keri Russell, John Stamos, Henry Cavill and John Goodman all told their younger selves not to do something that would forever change their lives.
Felicity was up first and she told herself not to chop off her hair because the fans, like me, would turn against her. She hasn’t forgiven them for all the hate mail, just like I haven’t forgiven her for doing it. Have you?
Uncle Jesse surprises us with something he did when he was 18. Superman reveals something so shocking that he still can’t handle it today. Then there was Dan Conner and he can’t duck his past.
Now, can we talk about skinny John Goodman? I am still not used to it. He kind of looks like George Clooney, but hotter.


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