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Oh mama! Is this the mother of all answers on Family Feud?
February 9th, 2016 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Harvey asked the contestants on Family Feud, “Tell me another way people say Mother?” It started off good, but then he got to a contestant that made him wish he could say Mother followed by a curse word on the show. You know that expression I am talking about.
With Mom/Mommy and Mama already on the board, guessing the other two answers up there proved to be very hard for the Patterson Family. Yolanda went first with Nanny. I thought that was just a Beverly Hills thing, but I guess other people consider their nannies their moms too.
Anyways, next up was Cecilia who said, “Nana,” like na-na and it was not there.
Now, is when we get to the trouble contestant. When the host asked Shelia the question she said, “Nanna,” like Anna. Which she thought was different than Nana because of the way she said it. The producers told her no, that is the same thing. So he asked her again and she guessed, “Ma-me,” which is another way to pronounce Mommy.
At this point, Harvey asked the Pattersons, “Are y’all crazy?” He was referring them to saying the same thing but with different pronunciations. They laughed because what else could they do at this point.
The producers wanted to get back to the show, so Harvey again asked Shelia the question. This time she went with, “Mommy.” You can tell he was getting frustrated, so he went on one of his funny rants where he said the word Mommy as many ways as possible, so she would not guess that answer again.
What did she do when he asked her this time, she proudly yelled out, “Nana!” He was delirious at this point, so he went straight to the audience to talk to them about it. But before he came back to Shelia, he broke out into song. What song? Appropriately, it is Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye.
And now he was ready to say goodbye to all of Shelia’s guesses, but he had to ask her one more time. This time she responded with, “Well Steve, I would say Mom but the answer Mom is already up there.” To which, the defeated host told everyone, “Let’s just flip that sh!t over!”
With that the Patterson got their third strike and a place in Harvey’s memory box for the Mother or is it Mommy or is it Mame or is it Nanna or is it Nana of all answers ever given on the show.
On a positive note, at least she never once guessed, “Mother!”


Not a good angle for Madonna
February 9th, 2016 under Madonna. [ Comments: none ]

Madonna had someone take a photo of her from above as she was getting ready for a concert in Bangkok; and I think we can all agree this is not a good look for the singer.
At first, I thought it was her son Rocco before I read the caption saying it was her. Which now has me wondering who Rocco looks like because I always thought he was Guy Ritchie’s mini-me; but now I am thinking he might be hers. Who do you think their son looks more like?


Ben Stiller plugs Female Viagra
February 9th, 2016 under Ben Stiller, Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]

If you have watched a television show and didn’t skip through the commercials, then you must’ve seen those ads with a pretty woman trying to get men to buy Viagra.
Well, yesterday when Ben Stiller was on The Tonight Show, he told Jimmy Fallon he shot a commercial that was cut from the Super Bowl. Since the ad didn’t air on Sunday, the NBC late night host decided to air it on his show instead. Watch Zoolander promote Female Viagra in his own special way and I think his wife, Christine Taylor, will agree with everything that was said in the advertisement.


Mayim Bialik flashed Piers Morgan
February 9th, 2016 under James Corden, Mayim Bialik, Piers Morgan. [ Comments: none ]

A few weeks after the SAG Awards, Piers Morgan thought it was disrespectful that Susan Sarandon wore a cleavage revealing outfit as she presented the In Memoriam segment. Well, the Oscar winning actress and several other people started sending him pictures of their cleavage. Like what man doesn’t want to see that.
Yesterday, when he was on The Late Late Show, James Corden asked him about #CleavageGate on his show. As he was explaining his side, Mayim Bialik stood up and did a Drew Barrymore as in flashed him her Big Bangs. Not once, but twice.
Finally, America has found a way to get their revenge on him for all that he did to us. It took us a few years, but it is still sweet!
Now if only we can get to go away from here permanently, things would be ever better for us.
If you need some cuteness after that, then you can watch Baby Bowl from the CBS late night show. Even toddlers find Chris Martin as boring as adults and they like everything at that age that isn’t liver and brussel sprouts.

UPDATE: Mayim Bialik loves the extra attention she is getting, that she shared the below photo on Instagram and said, “My breasts are trending on facebook, I’m told.”
Do her Knick knacks get your knickers is a bunch?


Kevin Hart doesn’t hart reptiles!
February 9th, 2016 under Ice Cube, Kevin Hart. [ Comments: 4 ]
Kevin Hart and Ice Cube were on Australia’s Today today to promote their movie Ride Along 2 and the comedian, who thinks like a man, wishes he didn’t ride along for that interview. That’s because they had a reptile expert on the show and she brought along some slimy friends for everyone to play with.
Hart might play a tough guy in the movies, but in real life he is anything but that. He stood as far away from the Blue Tongue Lizard and the Black Headed Python. Even though he was still several feet away from them, he was screaming like a little guy and looked like he went #1 and #2 in his pants.
I hope the American talk shows see this segment, so the next time they have him on the show they have some lizards and snakes on the show for him to play with. How much fun would that be for us?


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