Being a star can be glamorous, and for a few it can be deadly. Tonight at 8p on Reelz Channel, they look at the latter on Fame Kills.
Debbie Flores-Narvaez was a beautiful woman, who worked in a law firm in Maryland, when she decides she wants more out of life. She leaves everything behind and moves to Vegas to become a Showgirl with the hopes of becoming a star. On the night of her big break, she vanishes without a clue. No one knows what happens to her. Her sister begs the cops to look in to her disappearance, but they dismiss it as something that happens in Vegas all the time. Someone goes missing for a few days and returns from a trip with someone they just met. Then when they get a phone call with a lead about what might’ve happened to her, they take the case seriously. What they discovered happened to her, will not only shock all that are involved but you too.
Unlike other murder investigation shows like this one, Fame Kills is fast paced and doesn’t put you to sleep before the case is solved.
Then at 9p, Behind the Screams will scare you more than any horror movie because it is what horror movies are based on.
I was naive to think that horror movies came out of the sick minds of the person who wrote them, and I was wrong about some of them. Did you know that Psycho, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Silence of the Lambs are all based on Ed Gein? He was a man who lived in Wisconsin and no one suspected of him until he slipped up. Then when cops discovered what was in his house, they were scarred for the rest of their lives. Before we get to that, you will see how Plainfield, Wi was rocked by strange disappearances and a grave robber and the two were connected the whole time but no one knew it. The man behind it all was right there in plain sight, and yet they didn’t see it. Why? You just have to tune in to find out.
I will warn you that this horror movie fanatic, will be sleeping with the lights on tonight after watching this hour of captivating television. They say the truth is stranger than fiction, and this series proves that they weren’t kidding.
Both Fame Kills and Behind the Screams are docuseries for the younger generation. If the shows on A&E, Travel Channel and Discovery put to you sleep, then these two will keep your interest from the beginning of the episode until the end. The narrators voices aren’t as flat and calming as the other ones and I know you know what I mean. So make sure to tune in for two shows that will intrigue you week after week.
Kaley Cuoco and Ryan Sweeting’s one night stand has ended almost three years after it started. The couple told People that they have decided to divorce after 21 months of marriage. No word was given for the split, but I am assuming they fell out of luv.
They are third couple to have their divorce announced today, according to TMZ Anthony Anderson’s wife filed for divorce after 20 years of marriage and also per TMZ Casper Van Dein and Catherine Oxenberg are ending their royal affair after 16 years.
You have to wonder on a day like this, who is next?
Even though I don’t know anyone who is still watching the summer show Mistresses, someone at ABC loves it enough to renew it for a 4th season. OK, that person is the President of ABC Entertainment Paul Lee, who makes those decisions, but that is not the point.
This show has always been so bad, you have to wonder if the actors would love to do an Alyssa Milano and leave the drama. At least one actress is reportedly doing an Alyssa and that is her replacement Jennifer Esposito according to Entertainment Weekly. Has Esposito ever made it to a second season of a show? Again not the point.
Are you the one person who is still watching Mistresses or are you as shocked as everyone else that it will be back for yet another season.
Kristen Schaal was on Conan yesterday to talk about The Last Man on Earth that is back on Fox this Sunday, and she told him about eating crickets on the show. So the TBS host wanted to know if she had to eat real crickets when they filmed the scene. She told him that swallowed about 50-60 of them by the time they were through. Why? As she explained, “I’ll put anything in my mouth for a laugh.”
Then it was time to move on from her to her co-star Will Forte, he asked for the fake crickets to munch on for his scene. They were dates with agave that looked like the real thing and no one told her. Don’t feel too bad for her because by the end of eating all of those buggers, she took a liking to them. So much so, she eats them regularly now and brought some on the TBS talk show for Conan O’Brien and Andy Richter to try. O’Brien wasn’t having any of it, but the sidekick thought he would give it a try. He didn’t mind them, even after she told the weird feeling you get when an antenna gets stuck in your throat. Richter pulled one off of his tongue and he describe it as “like a pube.” Which brings us back how Schaal will put anything in her mouth for a laugh.
BTW I don’t care how yummy they look, there is no way you can get me to eat one. I shudder just thinking about putting the creepy crawly that won’t shut up in my mouth. Would you, could you eat one? Shark Tank is back for its 7th season tonight at 9p on ABC and they were lucky enough to get Ashton Kutcher to be the 5th judge.
Ashton and the other Sharks Mark Cuban, Kevin O’Leary, Lori Greiner and Robert Herjavec have some interesting items to look at tonight. Some of the entrepreneurs will go home with an investor or 2 and some will go home empty handed.
The first item they look at is a device you can put on your shoulder that grips a baby bottle, so you can have a free hand hand while you feed the baby. Something you think the new dad would be interested in, but is he? The next item is portable transportation you wear on your feet. Imagine slipping on a pair of wheels over your shoes that will transport you up to 10 mph. Sounds cool? Wait until you see the Sharks try them on. Luckily, they tried them out before they sampled the alcohol drink mixes which use apple cider vinegar as a natural preservative. Sounds gross, but will they like it? My favorite item of the night is a card you can put in your wallet that prevents hackers from stealing your identity. It wasn’t only my favorite, several of the Sharks liked it too and that leads to a bidding war. Which Shark(s) will that entrepreneur hook in and take home with him? You will just have to tune in for another thrilling episode to find out.
When it comes to the actor/mogul, he really handled himself better than any guest Shark in the past. While almost all of the other replacements for the night bowed down to Mr Wonderful, he didn’t take his crap. He was respectful, but also forceful. He was the same way to the entrepreneurs and he asked knowledgeable questions and gave them some helpful criticism. I hope they find a way to bring him back to show again and again. You will be surprised by how intelligent he is comes off tonight, he is so not Kelso in real life.
When it comes to the rest of the season, I can’t wait to see what other products the Sharks invest their money in. I know, I will be watching every week on the edge of my seat with my Scrub Daddy to see what items I will be looking to buy in the stores the next day.