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Minority Report is a fast paced thrill ride and Castle is a let down!
September 21st, 2015 under ABC, Fox. [ Comments: none ]
I have to start off my review by admitting I have never seen the movie Minority Report, so I went into the Fox show blind. I don’t know if that helped or hurt me, but I really enjoyed the show that debuts at 9p tonight.
Three kids (Agatha and twin boys Dash and Arthur) were born brain dead because their parents were drug addicts, but science found a way to save them and give them back their lives. Then one day the three of them started having visions and they are able to see murders before they happened. When the scientists realize what they could do, they hooked the Precogs up to machines and for 10 years they were left in a pool of water only to solve crimes before they happened. When science was done with them because there is no crime left, they are shipped off to an island and never to be heard from again.
Or so they thought. It is now 2065, Dash (Stark Sands) left the island and is living in a big city. He can see how people will die, but his brother knows all the details. Without Arthur (Nick Zano), Dash can’t always solve the murders. Arthur is a successful businessman and he doesn’t want anything to do with his past. Agatha (Laura Regan) on the other hand wishes Dash would stop using his gift and remain hidden.
One day, Dash gets to a murder too late and he tries to help the detective find the murderer. Detective Lara Vega (Meagan Good) is suspicious of him until she realizes he is a Precog. Now they are working together to solve crimes. He has the visions and she has the know how and that makes them the perfect team in this thrilling procedural.
The best way to describe Minority Report, is that is a cross between Sleepy Hollow and Almost Human. If you like those shows, then you are going to like this one too.

Then at 10p over at ABC, Castle is back and there will be a lot of changes coming this season.
Castle (Nathan Fillion) gives Beckett (Stana Katic) a gorgeous bracelet for her first day as a Captain. She has to go to One Police Plaze before going to work, but she never shows up. Later on when he is called to a bloody murder, he finds her bracelet in the blood. Now, she is missing and it looks she is working with the person who committed the murders.
While at the crime scene, Castle, Ryan (Seamus Dever) and Javi (Jon Huertas) come across a woman and Hayley (Toks Olagundoye) is a quick-witted, free-spirited, former Scotland Yard police officer. Everyone is suspicious of her but they still work with her. After all it is Beckett, and they will do anything to find her before it is too late.
This year’s season premiere feels a lot like last year’s and I didn’t like the whole Castle missing story last year. In other words, I am not liking the changes they made even though I like Toks Olagundoye.


Taylor Swift hates kisses!
September 21st, 2015 under Taylor Swift. [ Comments: none ]

A video posted by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on

Taylor Swift spent some time with her mom over the weekend and that meant she got some love. Only problem is she didn’t want it. Why? Because she can’t shake it off when she gets licked on the face by dogs. She didn’t even show that much distaste when Kanye West interrupted her speech at the VMAs.
I wonder if she is going to write a song about these two because after all she did kiss and tell about the other dogs in her life.
Now a cat owner, I feel her pain. I don’t mind getting kissed by a kitty but if a dog tries that, I am so grossed out. Why is that?


Life in Pieces is a piece of crap, but Scorpion is out of this world!
September 21st, 2015 under CBS. [ Comments: none ]
Life in Pieces is the first sitcom of the Fall season to make its debut and it’s the worst one of them all. In its defense that is not saying much because most of them are really bad.
The comedy that debuts at 8:30p on CBS is cross between the movie Parenthood and a Judd Apatow film. It’s the story of a family with problems, told in 4 vignettes.
Matt (Thomas Sadoski) just started dating Colleen (Angelique Cabral) and she is still living with her ex-fiance’ who thinks they are still engaged. They can’t have sex at her place, so they go to his place but he lives with his parents. What to do? Have sex in the car and get busted by the cops.
Then there is Jen (Zoe Lister-Jones) who is giving birth to her first baby and poops on the table. Then when her husband Greg (Colin Hanks) and her are seen by their doctor, they are told they can’t have sex for six weeks. The doctor also tells her not to look down there until she sees her again. She doesn’t listen and looks down there.
Heather (Betsy Brandt) and Tim (Dan Bakkedahl) take their oldest child to look at colleges and the dad tells his son about how he lost his virginity. He says that he did a Scott Baio and mistook the couch for his girlfriend. He only knew about the mistake when he found lint and a coin on the tip of penis. To make matters worse for Heather and Tim, their daughter gets her period and their youngest daughter finds out everything is a lie. So Heather decides she wants to have another kid, but when Tim calls her old the mood is lost.
Finally, there are the patriarchs John (James Brolin) and Joan (Dianne Wiest). John is turning 70, so he decides to throw a funeral for his birthday party. After everyone leaves, he gets into the coffin and gets himself locked in. Now his family has to rush him to the Jiffy Lube to set him free.
If this sounds funny to you, enjoy. If you think this sounds like crap, you are just like me!
I love comedies, and this season is a huge disappointment starting off with this show. I am so sick of a shows trying so hard to be risque because their desperation ruins what could be a good show. Well, in this case it is just desperation and that’s sad.

Then at 9p, Scorpion is back and it is not suffering from the sophomore slump.
Walter (Elyes Gabel) has been in rehab recuperating from his accident (in the season finale) and he is not the same quite yet. The team has been working on their own projects now that Homeland refuses to work with them. And then there is Cabe (Robert Patrick), who has been working as a consultant on movies and he despises it. When he gets a call that they need Team Scorpion back together, he rushes over to the warehouse.
The old boss is gone and Adriana (Alana De La Garz) is the new person in charge. She believes in Scorpion, but she also isn’t going to let them get away with the stuff they used to.
What is the big emergency? A nuclear powered Russian satellite is plummeting down towards Earth and Los Angeles is its target. The team needs to reprogram it, so that it will crash into the ocean instead. But when that doesn’t work, it looks like all hope is lost? Will the satellite destroy LA or will they save the day?
Besides dealing with impending doom, they are also dealing with their internal relationships. Can they find love or will they be alone forever?
Scorpion is the show that gets your blood pumping for the week and we all need that. So tune in, to really get your week started on the right note.


Hot Links!
September 21st, 2015 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Who's the lady in red with long legs? – Dlisted

A Chloe Moretz upskirt – The Nip Slip

Whose boobs are lopsided? – The Blemish

Does Jessica Simpson seem drunk? – THS

Whose belly cellulite is showing? – Celebslam

What was up with the green ribbons at the Emmys? – Pajiba

Could they photoshop SJP's face more than they did? – Celebitchy


Matt Le Blanc has a message for Jimmy Kimmel!
September 20th, 2015 under Emmys, Friends (cast), Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight during the Emmys, while Jimmy Kimmel was presenting Best Actor in a Comedy, he ate the winner’s name so we don’t know who really won the award. He claims it was Jefrey Tambor for Transparent, but there was nominee who wasn’t happy with the results. That nom is Joey Tribbiani, I mean Matt Le Blanc, who was nominated for playing himself on Episodes. So much so, he gave Kimmel a finger, the middle one.
I don’t know why the Friends star thought he won because barely anyone else thought he had a shot, did you?


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