Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2014 » August
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BTWF cooking show: Gordon Ramsay on Here’s Marco
August 4th, 2014 under Before They Were Famous, Gordon Ramsay. [ Comments: none ]

Before Gordon Ramsay was the star of many many many cooking related shows, he was just a background player on Here’s Marco. He looks the same now as he did when he was 21 on that 1988 show.


Do you think Taye Diggs could pay the rent as a stripper?
August 4th, 2014 under RENT. [ Comments: none ]

Taye Diggs posted some videos of him working a pole, and do you think he has what it takes to make it as a stripper? We obviously can see that he has the body for it, but he slides down a pole is slower than a virgin on top for her first time. Too crude? I am sorry, but it was the best analogy I could come up with. Can you do better?


Martin Lawrence and Kelsey Grammer are funny Partners in law!
August 4th, 2014 under FX, Martin Lawrence. [ Comments: none ]

Martin Lawrence and Kelsey Grammer are doing a sitcom together called Partners, so you know the comedy that debuts at 9p tonight on FX is going to be a riot. And you would be correct!
Allen Braddock (Grammer) is the type of lawyer, we all hate but we want to represent us. His father has just fired him the firm and a judge assigned him several pro bono cases as a punishment. The judge also instructs him to watch the next case, where a do-good lawyer is representing himself in a divorce case against his wife. Marcus Jackson’s (Lawrence) wife is about to take him for everything; and the judge doesn’t want that to happen to him so she gives him an extension. Braddock offers to help him out and reluctantly he agrees. What Braddock uncovers will save Jackson’s case and definitely not his marriage. It was also lead to partnership of two very different people whose only bond is their dislike of each other.
Yet somehow they will make it work. Especially in the episode that airs at 9:30p, where they will get married. To find out why they become Mr & Mr, you will have just have to tune in for this very funny episode that will have you saying they didn’t just do that and hell to the no while you laugh so hard you will cry.
Partners is fun comedy that will make you laugh a lot and what else do you need on a Monday night.


Dem Babies lead a very pampered life!
August 4th, 2014 under Mariah Carey, Nick Cannon. [ Comments: none ]

Mariah Carey Instagrammed this photo of Roc and Roe and I wish I lived as pampered a life as they do. The three year old twins were drinking her Butterfly Drink in their PJs as they soaked their feet in a water foot massager.
I want to live a luxurious life like that. Do you think Nick Cannon and Mimi will adopt me? I’ll be a good girl if they do!
Now back to Dem Babies, are they not the cutest? So precious!


Is this North West’s reaction to her parents making it to 73 days!
August 4th, 2014 under Kanye West, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

It’s official Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have been married for 73 days, one more day than she was married to Kris Humphries. So it looks they might actually make it…to three months, maybe even four?
So how does their daughter, North West, feel about it? By the looks of her face while she sits on her dad’s lap, she is happy about it. I think that might be the first time we’ve ever seen her smile. So I guess seeing her parents beat the odds, is enough to bring a smile to her face? Which is a good thing because she looks so awwwdorable with it.
I think even her dad looks less mean with one on face, don’t you agree?


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