Charlene Tilton & Mayim Bialik are Totally Tracked Down, Little Women LA gets a big start! |
May 27th, 2014 under Lifetime, Mayim Bialik, Reelz. [ Comments: none ]
Tonight at 12:30a on Reelz! Charlene Tilton & Mayim Bialik are Totally Tracked Down by Marshall Jay Kaplan.
At 12:30a Kaplan flies to LA to find Blossom and he talks to Don Reo, the creator of the show. When he can’t help him, he goes to UCLA where she studied and talks to a teacher and the Rabbi at Hillel. The Rabbi sends him to her parents and when he talks to them, a surprise guest shows up. He finally meets Mayim but she only has a few seconds to talk to him. So they make a date and back in 2010, he finds out that she wants to get back into acting. So he researches to see if it is a possibility and he finds out that it will be hard for a former-child star. As we know, it was not for her. So tune in to see what that agent says and what all the other people had to say about Mayim Bialik!
Then at 1a, it is time for Kaplan to try to find Charlene Tilton from Dallas. First he talks to Dallas producer and writer, David Jacobs. When he can’t help him, he goes to her TV husband, Leigh McCloskey, but he too cannot help him, so he refers him to Charlene’s real daughter. Cherish Lee, reveals some things about her mother that happened after the show ended and you don’t want to miss that. Eventually he meets up with Tilton at an Oscar party and meets one of her Dallas co-stars. Can you guess who? Since their time is short there, Tilton agrees to meet at a later date and he has an instant connection with his childhood crush. How instant, you just have to tune in.
Then at 9p over at Lifetime, Little Women LA, makes its big debut. The reality show follows 6 female friends who are under 5′. These little women are just like us. When they get together they have fun and they also fight.
Briana is recently divorced and she is ready to date again. And what better second date can a girl have but at her divorce party. Christy on the other hand is in a serious relationship, and she is ready to get engaged but he is not. Her boyfriend, Todd, also dated Briana, and that will lead to some conflict between the two ladies, Christy, also has problems with the very religious Traci. Traci is recently engaged, but has yet to set a date. She can’t stand Christy’s wilder ways. Terra is the peacemaker in the group. Well with everyone except Elena, who is the youngest and tallest one in the group. Her problem with Terra is she let’s herself be described as the M word, and that is a bad word to the ladies. Finally there is Tonya, and she has a normal sized older daughter who is her best friend. Well besides the five other ladies.
What these 6 women are missing in inches, they make up with big personalities. So tune in for a show that people of all sizes can enjoy.
The Night Shift reports to duty! |
May 27th, 2014 under NBC. [ Comments: none ]
The Night Shift debuts on NBC tonight at 10p and you don’t want to miss this enjoyable medical drama.
San Antonio Memorial is like most hospitals, the sick and injured come to them and they try to make them better. But the employees who work the night shift are not like any where else. TC (Eoin Macken) is recently back from Afghanistan and he doesn’t take well to authority. The new senior manager and boss Michael Ragosa (Freddy Rodriguez) and him are going to butt heads and fists a lot throughout the season. Ragosa wanted to be a doctor but something held him back from doing it. So the doctors do not respect him because they think he only cares about dollar and cents, but in reality he cares about medicine too.
Dr. Jordan Alexander (Jill Flint) and TC used to date and she is the only one who can control him and even she has a problem doing that. Especially, when her new boyfriend (Scott Wolf) comes to work there in an authoritative position.
Topher (Ken Leung) is best friends with TC and the two men served together. They both are no holds barred type of doctors who will go to great lengths to save their patients. Sometimes too far, but who doesn’t want their doctor to do that. Drew (Brendan Fehr) is another doctor, and he too served but he has a secret. He is gay and as much as he tries to hide it, it still comes out little by little. How will people react to it? Paul (Robert Bailey Jr.) and Krista (Jeananne Goossen) are fresh out of school and they are adjusting to life in the ER at night. They will go through a lot of hazing, but somehow they will survive the madness.
The Night Shift is nothing new, but sometimes the same old is a good thing. The Night Shift is a very good thing. It will make our Tuesday nights this summer a lot more interesting, so make sure to check it out.
This woman can really down a piece of a meat! |
May 27th, 2014 under Eating Contests, Guinness World Records, Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest. [ Comments: none ]
Molly Schuyler is proving to be one of the best competitive eaters out there, even though she weighs around 125lbs. Yesterday, she traveled to Texas to beat her own record at The Big Texan 72 oz. Steak Challenge. Not only did she eat the monster Steak, a Shrimp Cocktail, Baked Potato, Salad, and Roll with Butter in less time than before, she also beat the previous record holder by half his time. You might’ve heard of him, his name is Joey Chestnut, and he wins that Nathan’s Hot Dog Challenge almost every year recently.
So how fast did she eat all of that food? Are you sitting down? She ate nearly 5 pounds of meat plus some carbs and fish in just under 5 minutes. That’s right she did the challenge in 4:58 seconds. Then when she was done, she did it all over again. But this time she did it in almost twice the time.
Just think about this for a second. A woman who weighs a buck and a quarter ate almost 10 pounds of meat in about 15 minutes. About time a woman showed some men that we can eat just as much as them, if not more.
BTW Schuyler isn’t happy just holding the record. She said on YouTube that she plans on going back and doing it again. But this time, she wants to do the meal not once, not twice, but three times. That is more meat than I can fathom.
Do you think you can do The Big Texan 72 oz. Steak Challenge in less than hour? I know I couldn’t.
Steve Perry breaks his silence and sings! |
May 27th, 2014 under Steve Perry. [ Comments: none ]
via Paul Frank
Steve Perry hasn’t sung in public since 1995, but that all changed on Sunday. The former-Journey singer joined the band Eels on stage in St Paul, Minnesota and not only did he sing one of their tunes, but two of his own too. His voice is just as beautiful now as it was when Open Arms and Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin’ came out.
I hope this performance makes him consider getting back into performing. I would do anything to hear him live because his voice is just so sensual to me. I just hope he sings some of his other hits because those two are not my favorite from Journey or his solo career. Oh to hear him sing Oh, Sherry again. The vocal power he has in that song still astounds me to today.
BTW here’s a little fun fact, Steve Perry hasn’t sung live in concert since Eels started as a band back in 1995! So I am kind of expecting the band to announce their breakup any day now since time came full circle for the two.
Kanye West actually smiles |
May 27th, 2014 under Kanye West, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

Kim Kardashian shared a photo from her wedding and all I could notice was that her husband, Kanye West, actually had a smile on his face. I don’t think I have ever seen him do that before. Have you?
BTW I am so underwhelmed by Mrs West’s dress. What do you think of it?
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