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BTWF roles: Angela Bassett on 227
January 15th, 2014 under Angela Bassett, Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 9:09 in)

Before Angela Bassett gave up her baby for immortality on American Horror Story: Coven, she left her baby in a limo on 227. She is just as gorgeous now as she was when she 31 in that 1989 episode.


CW Seed spies a Veronica Mars spinoff!
January 15th, 2014 under The CW. [ Comments: none ]

Today was The CW TCA Winter Press Day and the big news from the network’s President Mark Pedowitz is that there is going to be a Veronica Mars digital spinoff coming to CW Seed. Not much more is known because he just started talking to the show’s creator, Rob Thomas, a week ago and finalized the deal last night. In fact he couldn’t even tell us who the spinoff is going to revolve around. Well shortly after the session Thomas Tweeted, “The CW web series: a comedy featuring @HiRyanHansen attempting to put together a Dick Casablancas spin-off of #VeronicaMars. No date yet.” So we will just have to wait for it. If we can almost 7 years for the movie, we can wait a few months for the online series. Right?


Baby Daddy and his baby mama? and AHS has its eyes on the prize!
January 15th, 2014 under American Horror Story, Baby Daddy, Freeform, Kathy Bates. [ Comments: none ]

Baby Daddy is back on ABC Family tonight at 8:30p and it picks up the morning after the season finale.
Ben (Jean-Luc Bilodeau) is dealing with having his daughter’s mother, who was a one night stand, suddenly back in the picture and also starting a relationship with his best friend Riley (Chelsea Kane), who has been in his life forever. Who will he choose? And does either woman really want him in their life now that the other one is there?
Bonnie (Melissa Peterman) is feeling out the woman, who left her granddaughter on Ben’s doorstep. What will she find out about her?
Tucker (Tahj Mowry) and Danny (Derek Theler) are both single men now and they are hitting the town. Will they meet Mrs Right?
Oh did I mention at one point in the episode we will see Bilodeau completely naked? That is why this show is called Baby Daddy. Because you will say “baby” and “daddy” when you see him in just his birthday suit!
But seriously, Baby Daddy gets funnier with each season and tonight’s season premiere will leave with more than smile on your face.

We are getting close to the end of American Horror Story: Coven and tonight at 10p, the show has its sights on the finale.
Delphine LaLaurie (Kathy Bates) is back and we find out how she became the way she is. A new witch claims that she is the Supreme as another one goes missing. Have you figured out who is the next Supreme?
There will be blood, lots and lot of blood. So if you are squeamish, you have been warned. Seriously, I am not squeamish and even I had my hands over my eyes a few times.
And since tonight’s episode is really setting things up for the finale in two weeks, you don’t want to miss a single second.


No one has ever told Conan O’Brien it’s giant!
January 15th, 2014 under Conan O'Brien. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday on Conan O’Brien’s show, Andy Richter and him read Things that have never, ever been said. Things like, “I work hard, but not Kardashian hard.” and “My sentiments exactly, Gary Busey.” But the last one was the hardest one for the TBS late night host because he says that no one has ever said to him “OMG! Conan, it’s giant.” His reaction was priceless!
So watch this video to see the other things that have been said only once and will never be said again. I know a bunch of them made me laugh. And sorry to tell you Conan, there is one I have said before. Can you guess which one it is?


Will 13 be lucky or unlucky for American Idol?
January 15th, 2014 under American Idol 9+. [ Comments: none ]

Even since American Idol added Kara Dioguardi as a fourth judge and then losing Paula Abdul at the end of that season, the show has not been as good. They have tried different judges and even went with big names last year, which only lead to series lows for the once top-rated singing competition.
So they decided to clean house, but brought back two judges and added a third in the final seconds before auditions started. The first judge they brought back was Jennifer Lopez and she is the reason I stopped watching. The next judge was Keith they brought back was Urban from last year who was ignored because of his co-judges were more much outspoken. The last judge is Harry Connick Jr, who hasn’t been relative since most of the wannabe contestants were born.
So do they help the show get it back to the days of Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson. After watching the first episode that airs tonight at 8p, I have to say they are not going through to Hollywood for me.
The show is playing it so safe that it is now so boring. The judges are all soft on the contestants, which is a good thing but it also starts to put you to sleep because they are so tame.
The talent is good. Even though they promised it would be about the singers, it is still about the judges. In fact Ryan Seacrest is barely in the episode. So gone are his interactions with the people auditioning and us finding out about their back stories. When we learn about the contestants, we are more willing to support them. Sadly, we just don’t find out enough about them. We just see how the two male judges’ bromance is broken up by Jennifer Lopez who thinks she is the boss of them.
Now when it comes to J-Lo, like I said she is the reason I gave the show, and she is the reason why I will not be watching this season,
So how do I think Idol will do on Fox? I say tonight and tomorrow, the numbers will be good. But in the coming weeks people will tire of the show and series lows will be regular occurrence again.
Can it get back to what it was? I still believe it can. First thing Fox needs to do is get rid of The X Factor. That hurt Idol more than The Voice. They also need to focus more on the contestants and less on the judges. They need to hire judges that are relevant to both the younger and the older audiences. These three don’t fit that requirement. In fact one girl only knows Connick Jr from Friends. The Voice got it right, why can’t Fox? Hopefully for season 14, because there will be one, they change things up again and finally get it back to where it once was.
I want them to find the next Kelly Clarksons, Carrie Underwoods and Chris Daughtrys and not the persons whose name we forget the day after the finale. Can you name last year’s winner? Because I can’t


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