Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » August
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Kevin Hart comes up short in these pictures with Shaq!
August 14th, 2013 under Kevin Hart, Shaquille O'Neal. [ Comments: none ]

Shaq and Kevin Hart took a picture together and the comedian learned the down falls of posing him. Especially when you are 5’4″ and the person standing next to you is 7’7″. You look like a little kid with his dad. And the other negative is you are the perfect height for a job. Not that he would do that job to him, but he wouldn’t have to get on his knees and he can stand upright.


BTWF roles: Mehcad Brooks on Cold Case
August 14th, 2013 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

(Starts at 2:08 in)

Before Mehcad Brooks was a football player on Necessary Roughness, he was a basketball player on Cold Case. He looks the same now as he did when he was 23 in that 2004 episode.


Extreme Cougar Wives is definitely extreme
August 14th, 2013 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]

Extreme Cougar Wives is back on TLC tonight and next Wednesday at 9:30p and you don’t want to miss this show that shows us older women can be happy with a much younger man.
Our society is OK with older men dating women half their age, but we still haven’t accepted when an older woman dates a man that could be her son. Tonight you will see that love is blind when it comes to age.
Kathy, 54, is a rockin’ chick and her boyfriend, Brad, 25, is anything but. Yet the two of them make it work and don’t care what anyone else thinks about their relationship. That is until he takes her home to meet his mom, who is 3 years younger than her, and that is not the most awkward thing about their meeting. Proving it sucks to meet the parents at any age.
Then there is 89 year old Jeraldine, who is dating former-Mr California Donaldo, 46. They truly are a couple who don’t see their age difference and neither does anyone else. Their relationship is so sweet, especially as he throws her a party for her 90th. He has a special gift for her and you will want to see him give it to her.
Finally Gale, 55, is getting married for a fourth time to Ian, 23, and looks like he will be the one that she’ll live happily ever after with.
My friend is in her mid-40’s and her husband in 30 and they are one of the most loving couples I know. So if shows like Extreme Cougar Wives can help people accept their relationship and ones like it, then I say we need more of them. Love is love no matter how many years separate the couple by age. Well as long as both lovers are of legal age.


Josh Duhamel should get the Oscar for playing The Man with a 132lb Scrotum!
August 14th, 2013 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+, Fergie, Jimmy Kimmel, Josh Duhamel. [ Comments: 2 ]

Josh Duhamel has pretty much only done action flicks and romantic comedies, but now he has the balls to go for the those hard-hitting Oscar winning roles.
Yesterday on Jimmy Kimmel Live we got a sneak peek of his next big role and you are going to want to see The Man with a 132lb Scrotum when it comes out. It is a side of the expectant father we have not seen before, and it will make you cry as he experiences what Wesley Warren Jr. really went through on a daily basis. You will watch Duhamel struggle with having the stares focus on his crotch for once, instead of his gorgeous face. You will see him being bullied by a little boy who will kick him right in his humongous nut sack, and yet he finds the courage and the cojones to get up and try to save a baby from a burning building. It really breaks my heart what he endured for this role and I really hope we hear his acceptance speech for this part at the Oscars this year. I can’t think of any one who is more worthy of the honor, can you?
Seriously this bit was written by someone, who I assuming, did not see the TLC documentary The Man with a 132lb Scrotum that airs Monday at 9p. Now even though that writer might not have seen the special, they actually recreated parts of it in this mockumentary. So if that gives you any hint how powerful both the bit and the documentary really are, it should tell you to watch both starting with the video above right now.


A mama panda bear reunited with her cub!
August 14th, 2013 under Animals. [ Comments: none ]

It is midweek and we all need something that will put a smile on our faces. Well the Taipei Zoo is providing us with the cutest video you will see all week. Yuan Yuan was finally reunited with her 39 day old baby, Yuan Zai, who had to be taken away for her own protection. So little by little the two will be spending more time together and hopefully we will get more touching videos like this one.
Seriously didn’t your ice cold hearts melt when you heard the cub cooing just like a human baby? It was so precious that I now want one, but my cat said she looks enough like a panda that we are not getting one. On that note does anyone want a cat that looks like a panda?


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