Tonight at 9p on USA’s White Collar Peter and Neal finally go at it blow for blow and their friendship might not survive it.
Neal finally watches the tape that Ellen left for him and we find out what was on it. That tape will cause a rift between the two men and they will fight over it. Both physically and with words and one of them will be left on the floor out cold. Then at the end of the episode someone else will be left in the cold as the other one walks out him. Is this end for Caffrey and Burke? You will have to tune in to find out.
And did I mention that Matt Bomer and Tim DeKay are shirtless on the episode and Treat Williams is back again. What more will we learn about Sam tonight???
Then at 10p on Covert Affairs Annie’s life and career hang by a thread. Will she be able to keep both? Can’t tell you any more than that because you won’t want to miss a single second of this heart pumping episode.
McAfee announced their most dangerous list of celebrities, who when searched and their names are clicked on they might bring you to site that might give your computer a virus, malware and such. Well there was only one male on that list and it wasn’t anyone whose been on People’s Most Sexiest list like Matt Damon or an A-List actor like Matt Damon, but it is Jimmy Kimmel. 13 was a lucky number for the ABC late host because that is where he placed on the dreaded list.
Who would ever think of him as dangerous? Especially on the internet. I mean I should say who would think of him as dangerous over the age of 18 because I can so get why minors would be afraid, very afraid. You know with all those Hey Jimmy Kimmel videos he has been doing.
Now on that note, I guess after being kicked out of the Handsome Men’s Club, he had no choice but to join the only club that would take him The Most Dangerous Women…now with Jimmy Kimmel. Sorry Matt Damon they ran out of room for you on the list!
Donnie Wahlberg is filming a new season of Blue Bloods and as you can see by this picture Tweeted it is a very tough job.
I am joking the New Kid on the Block works hard because not only is he doing the show, he is also still doing stuff with the band.
Simon Cowell is a guest on Ellen today and before the show started we got to see what his infamous black T-Shirts look like before he puts them on. Let’s just Britney Spears and Ellen DeGeneres were not the only ones who were surprised by how small they really are. It explains why they are so freaking tight on him.
Kelsey Grammer was on Conan yesterday and he told TBS late night host that he waited a few months to have sex with his now wife. So Conan O’Brien asked if that was a hard thing to do and Fraiser said it wasn’t that hard because he hadn’t sex in over a decade. Maybe if he was harder, he would’ve had done it with Camille Grammer for the greater part of the 21st Century instead of barely at all.
Granted even though he spent much on the first 10 years of the new millennium pretty much celibate, it looks he won’t be spending this decade the same way thanks to his wife Kayte Walsh.