Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2011
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All you Star Wars re-enacting, Klingon speaking, comic book reading, basement dwellers can finally get laid!
December 29th, 2011 under Star Trek, Star Wars. [ Comments: none ]

All those geeks recreating Star Wars scenes, talking Klingon to their friends and strangers, comic book reading, video game playing, air guitar jamming, deciding who’s hotter Xena or Wonder Woman, attending every Sci Fi convention and still living in your parents’ basement/attic, well guess you can finally get laid! That is if you sell off some of your prized, mint-conditioned action figures.
How you ask? Dennis Hof, owner of Moonlite Bunny Ranch, is creating a brothel just for you. According to the Las Vegas Review Journal the Alien Cathouse is expected to open up on U.S. Highway 95 in Nye County within two months. Heidi Fleiss is assisting on the whorehouse’s theme which is said to be Area 51 with the women will be dressed as aliens. To all you geeks who have fantasized more about sleeping with a martian more than a woman, now you can get the best of both worlds in a galaxy real near-by.
So if you want out-of-this-world sex, then Alien Cathouse is for you! It definitely gives new meaning to be anally probed by an alien…
I know what I am getting some of my guy friends for Christmas next year! Think they will like it with a cherry on top or bottom?


I Wanna Swap and you’ll want to watch Celebrity Wife Swap!!!
December 29th, 2011 under ABC. [ Comments: none ]

Dee Snider is one of the 10 celebs participating on Celebrity Wife Swipe and in honor of that ABC took one of his band’s biggest songs and made a music video for it. Instead of I Wanna Rock it is I Wanna Swap and just like the show it works.
I have seen two episode for the show that debuts on January 3rd and I was shocked by how much I enjoyed it. Just like Celebrity Apprentice is better than the civilian version, it is the same with this reality show.
Now when it comes to I Wanna Swap they were able to get Mark Metcalf to reprise his role as the a$$hole teacher, but they couldn’t get Dee Snider to sing his own song on a show he is appearing on? What’s up with that? I mean we saw on Celebrity Apprentice he will put on the Twisted Sister makeup if need be, so why not for this? Things that make you go hmmmmm?
In case you have never seen the classic video for I Wanna Rock you can watch the extended version below:


Guess whose shadow?
December 29th, 2011 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who looks like the sun’s music then click here!


Snooki is a lightweight
December 29th, 2011 under Snooki, VH1/MTV. [ Comments: 1 ]

I had heard that Snooki lost a lot weight, but wow you can really see it in these picture. She barely looks like the Oompa-Loompa we know her as on Jersey Shore. She has gotten so skinny, she probably gets drunk a quicker now. Although she was always a lightweight in that area.


Poor John Cusack
December 29th, 2011 under John Cusack, Zac Efron. [ Comments: none ]

The one sheet is out for the movie The Paperboy that stars Matthew McConaughey, Zac Efron, John Cusack and Nicole Kidman and that is how the billing reads on the poster. Poor John Cusack is billed after someone who is half his age who hasn’t even done a 1/4th of the movies that he has done. That has to hurt.
On a less painful note, the High School Musical star is very easy on the eyes in the poster. Seriously when did he become a man?


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