Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » September
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Snooki gets banged!
September 12th, 2010 under Snooki, VH1/MTV. [ Comments: 5 ]

Poof, Snooki’s pouf is gone! The Jersey Shore star debuted her new hairstyle tonight at the VMAs and she looks good with bangs. Now if only we could get her to lay off the tanning, she would look a lot better!


Guess who cut 11″ of their hair off for charity?
September 12th, 2010 under Guess who?, Soleil Moon Frye. [ Comments: 2 ]

Want to see who made such a drastic cut for a good cause then click here!


Mario Lopez is a daddy to a little girl!
September 12th, 2010 under Mario Lopez, Saved by the Bell/City Guys. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from WireImage)

Notorious ladies man Mario Lopez is a father to a beautiful baby girl according to Extra. His girlfriend Courtney Mazza gave birth to Gia Francesca Lopez yesterday and she came into the world weighing in at 6 lbs, 4 oz.
I feel bad for the boys that will some day date Gia because her papa Mario knows all the tricks. Afterall he has probably tried them all!


Seriously do Ben Affleck and Jon Hamm have something to tell us?
September 11th, 2010 under Ben Affleck, Do they have something to tell us?, Jon Hamm. [ Comments: 1 ]

Earlier in the week I posted pictures of The Town co-stars Ben Affleck and Jon Hamm nose-to-nose and I wondered then if they had something to tell us. Then yesterday the two men were photographed, well you can see how they look. And if those pictures weren’t enough, according to the CBC here is what they said in a press conference about their movie at the Toronto International Film Festival.

Affleck responded to a question about whether the film’s love scenes were awkward.
“It wasn’t really pornographic or anything,” Affleck said.
Hamm, once again, couldn’t resist.
“But by contrast, my sex scenes with Ben, which were cut from the film — I think wisely — were really, really …”
“They were raunchy,” Affleck finished, to much laughter.

I think their couple name should be Bamm! Doesn’t it sound better than Bennifer 2? Although Jon’s current couple name with Jessica Westfeldt is Wamm and that is a good one. So I guess Jon is really the Wamm, Bamm, Thank you Mamm sort of guy!!!
Finally Affleck will have a lot of explaining to do when he gets back to The States because of these pictures not only to his wife Jennifer Garner and his BFF Matt Damon, but also to his f*ck buddy Jimmy Kimmel when he appears on his ABC show this week. You know that interview isn’t going to go well especially if he brings his Mad Man with him!


Remember when Zac Efron was hot?
September 11th, 2010 under Zac Efron. [ Comments: 1 ]

Do you remember when Zac Efron was hot because I am starting to forget when very quickly. Seriously what is up with his attempt to grow a beard? Men if you trying to grow a beard and you can see more skin than hair, give it up. It really makes you look sad and you are the only who thinks it look sexy.
Zac pick up a razor and shave that thing off, it so isn’t working for you.


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