Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » August
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Nick Cannon roasts Lisa Lampanelli on Twitter!!!
August 26th, 2010 under Mariah Carey, Nick Cannon. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from Splash News Online)

When the roasts first started on Comedy Central, I really liked Lisa Lampanelli on the show. But as they have gone, she goes so below the belt that it isn’t funny. I have been following her Twitter and most of her jokes are around a week after the news broke and again so mean they are not funny. Well yesterday she went after Mariah Carey and said, “Nick Cannon still mum on Mariah pregnancy. They’re obviously waiting to make sure she doesn’t have a bigger miscarriage than “Glitter.” Miscarriages are not funny, so I thought that joke was uncalled for and I was not alone. Mariah’s husband Nick Cannon has taken to Twitter to roast the pig although pigs weigh a lot less than her. Have you seen how big she has gotten? She makes Precious look anorexic.
I am not the roaster today, Nick Cannon is the roast master and here is what he Tweeted:

@LisaLampanelli You look like someone’s afterbirth… On a good day! Yeah Son Yeah Son Yeah Son LOL

@LisaLampanelli birth certificate came with an apology from the condom company

@LisaLampanelli if I was a slave I wouldn’t even F*#! you for my freedom papers!! LOL…too far??? 🙂

@LisaLampanelli I am going as you this Halloween!

@LisaLampanelli and @Chelseahandler should remake Gorilla’s in the Mist!

@LisaLampanelli gets her pap smears at the Vet! LOL

RT: SHABOOTY @NickCannon The storks that delivered @LisaLampanelli had a wide load sign on their back.

I think round 1 goes to Nick Cannon easily.

UPDATE: The Twitter fight is KOed because Lisa Lampanelli Tweeted this…”Sorry to disappoint you fans trying to egg me on, but Nick’s Tweets were funny. I’m just flattered he knows who I am!” I respect her for that response and not giving in the peer pressure from her fans.


Molly Ringwald makes a 16 Candles reference on Secret Life!
August 26th, 2010 under Brat Pack, Freeform, The Secret Life of an American Teenager. [ Comments: none ]

It only took three and a half seasons, but Molly Ringwald finally made a 16 Candles reference on her ABC Family show Secret Life of the American Teenager. On this week’s episode everyone forgot Amy’s birthday and when Ringwald realizes they forgot her daughter’s birthday she said, “Everyone forgot my 16th birthday and it stayed with me my whole life!” And to make things even more like the movie that made her a household name, a wedding was involved.
When I heard them say they forgot Amy’s birthday, I was really hoping they would go the John Hughes way and I am glad they did! Now we just need a school dance with a pink dress and two guys fighting over Amy. Strangely enough with two teenage pregnancies on the show, not once have they made any references to For Keeps? Although I don’t Ringwald has any problems with that omission.


Hot Links!
August 25th, 2010 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: 1 ]

Kim Kardashian talks about dating Justin Bieber – Celebitchy
Mister Gaga is back – ICYDK
Exorcism or Orgasm – Agent Bedhead
Elin Nordegren breaks her silence! – Dlisted

Heidi Montag wants a breast reduction – Popbytes
Who will Miley Cyrus date now? – Celebrity Dirty Laundry
Not a good look for Jennifer Love Hewitt – Amy Grindhouse
His jeans are way too tight, I can tell he isn't Jewish – Tabloid Prodigy


One Tree Hill’s gag reel!
August 25th, 2010 under One Tree Hill. [ Comments: none ]

Things I learned One Tree Hill’s gag reel for season 7 is that the cast makes a lot of weird noises. Well that and they have a lot of fun together! I can’t for The CW show to come back on September 24th.


BTWF ads: Jorge Garcia for Hardee’s
August 25th, 2010 under Before They Were Famous, Jorge Garcia, Lost. [ Comments: none ]

Before Jorge Garcia owned Mr Cluck’s on Lost, he was singing for Hardee’s. The 25 year old actor actually has a great singing voice in that 1998 commercial!


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