Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2008 » June
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Tommy Lee asks Greta Van Susteren a TMI
June 24th, 2008 under Mötley Crüe, TV News. [ Comments: 1 ]

I can’t believe that Tommy Lee asked Greta Van Susteren what color panties she is wearing. So TMI, but at least she didn’t answer with I am not wearing any!


The Two Coreys say it wasn’t Michael Jackson
June 24th, 2008 under The Two Coreys. [ Comments: 2 ]

So ever since The Two Coreys premiered on A&E this Sunday we found out that both of them were molested as teens and most people thought that the molester was Michael Jackson. Well according to Page Six Corey Haim and Corey Feldman have come clean to GQ who it wasn't.
"People can say whatever they want, but it wasn't Michael," Feldman told GQ's Mickey Rapkin. "He and I have our own issues, but that wasn't one of them. The guy that did this to me was my assistant. I was still a virgin at the time. I hadn't even had sex with a girl. So for me it was just kind of bewildering." About his abuse, Haim adds, "It's something that will be addressed in my inner soul for the rest of my life, and it's something that truly affects me . . . It's just like, it happened, it's over, and move on. Let's move on to the next subject."
I think I was the only one who didn't think it was Michael Jackson in the first place. 
Hopefully both Coreys are working through what they went through so long ago. It explains why these two went down a downward spiral as their teens ended.
UPDATE: Corey Feldman confirmed on his blog that it was not Michael Jackson.

Alison Sweeney is pregnant again!
June 24th, 2008 under TV Soaps. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from WireImage
Alison Sweeney is expecting her second child according to People! Alison Sweeney broke the news to the contestants of this upcoming season's The Biggest Loser. 
"She told them that, in a season all about family, hers is about to get bigger," says her rep, Carrie Simons.
Now what I want to know is how is Days of our Lives going to handle Sami Brady being pregnant so soon after the twins, since she really has gotten any since Lucas got out of jail and he caught her making love to EJ who she just finally kicked out the house. Oh wait maybe EJ will be a dad again to her kid which would mean Lucas and him would each have two kids each with her since one of the twins belonged to one of them. G-d I love Soaps!!! 

Celeb Family Feud asks Ice-T “What’s slippery and hard to hold on to?”
June 24th, 2008 under Ice-T/ Coco, NBC. [ Comments: 1 ]

Celebrity Family Feud premieres tonight on NBC at 8p and it looks like this edition is starting off with a bang!!! Tonight’s premiere has Ice-T and Coco’s family against Joan and Melissa Rivers’ family! After seeing those clips I amv hoping that Ice-T and Coco win because well I like them better! Plus come on who else thought what Ice-T said when Al Roker asked, “What is slippery and hard to hold on to?” I know I said pen!s too!!! How ironic it is that Coco had to fill in the blank for Shake Your ___?
So tune in to Celebrity Family Feud tonight at 8p to see what else Coco and Ice-T come up with!!!
BTW here is another bonus clip from the show…Kathie Lee Gifford’s Cody and Cassidy all grown up.


Paris Hilton should wear this more often
June 24th, 2008 under Paris Hilton. [ Comments: 3 ]

Paris Hilton looks so much better with that mask, she should wear it all the time! 

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