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Ryan Seacrest out…of Live with Kelly
February 16th, 2023 under Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, Ryan Seacrest. [ Comments: none ]

Ryan Seacrest made a huge announcement on Live with Kelly and Ryan. After six long winters, he is leaving the show and New York City this Spring when American Idol goes live.

“I’m going to miss my work wife and all the laughter we share. When I signed on to host Live in 2017 it was meant to be for 3 years, but I loved the job and working with Kelly so much that I extended my time,e and last yea,r I made the decision to stay on for one more final season,” he wrote. “I’ve been grateful to be able to share a cup of coffee with our viewers everyday, one of the best parts of the gig.”

So who will replace him? Kelly Ripa’s husband, Mark Consuelos. She had this say to him, “Welcome home, or to the contractual obligation phase of our relationship.”

It will be interesting to see how the viewers will accept the couple on a daily basis. That, and if their marriage will survive working side by side five days a week, and then spending their off time together. That is a lot of time to spend with someone.

When it comes to Seacrest, I am sure he will find another television hosting gig soon. He always does. He always does.


The reason why Scott Caan puts breast milk up his nose
January 4th, 2023 under Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, Ryan Seacrest. [ Comments: none ]

We know that breast milk is healthy for you, but that doesn’t mean we want to get near our faces as adults. That is unless you are into that sort of thing sexually.

Anyways, back to the story. Scott Caan was on Live with Kelly and Ryan yesterday, and Ryan Seacrest asked the actor about his wife, Kacy Byxbee, giving him breast milk.

Then Caan explained that his 8-year-old daughter, Josie James, was coming home sick from school. So his wife told him to put the breast milk she was expressing for their 2-month-old baby up his nose to avoid getting sick. And it worked. He hasn’t gotten sick since he started using it.

Since Caan is traveling to promote his new show Alert, he is taking breast milk with him as protection. Therefore, he asked Seacrest if he wanted to try it. And the host was politely like, no way in hell. And that bummed me out because I would’ve paid to have seen that happen.

BTW Am I the only one who wants to try breast milk to warn off sickness?


Sigourney Weaver is not the name she was born with
November 30th, 2022 under Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, Ryan Seacrest, Sigourney Weaver. [ Comments: none ]

Believe it or not. Sigourney Weaver’s parents didn’t name her Sigourney. They called their baby girl Susan. However, when she was 11, she decided to change her first name.

Yesterday when the actress was on Live with Kelly and Ryan, she told them how she came up with the name we call her now.

“I was reading The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The name Sigourney is mentioned once,” the star said. “I looked at that. It had my initial, and then it had this waxy-long name. And I thought, ‘Oh, I am just going to use it for a while til I can figure out who I am.'”

Since Weaver has been using the name for over 60 years, we can all agree that she found out she is a Sigourney, which totally works for her. She stands out in a group of Susans, so why shouldn’t she go by a name that stands out like her?

What did her parents think of her changing their name? Well, her father was born Sylvester, but everyone called him Pat. While her mom went by Liz even though her parents called her Desiree. So it is just the Weaver thing to do!


Ryan Seacrest caught COVID-19
October 12th, 2022 under Coronavirus, Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, Ryan Seacrest. [ Comments: none ]

Believe it or not, Ryan Seacrest has never caught COVID-19…until now. The host called into Live with Kelly and Ryan today and told Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos that he tested positive a few days ago.

He described his symptoms as a sore throat, chills, and aches. And thinks he is on the other side of it.

However, Kelly suggested that he take a hot, hot, hot bath with Epsom salt and an entire bottle of hydrogen peroxide. Then her real husband said to her TV husband, “But if you do that, then the carpet might not match the drapes.” To which Seacrest said that isn’t high on his list of priorities now.

And now I have that image stuck in my head. Does anyone know if extreme nausea is a symptom of coronavirus because I suddenly feel the need the hurl?


Would Wanda Sykes host the Oscars again?
July 13th, 2022 under Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, Ryan Seacrest, Wanda Sykes. [ Comments: none ]

Wanda Sykes hosted the Oscars this year with Amy Schumer and Regina Hall. As we know, it was a memorable night, but not for the movies that won.

So yesterday, when the comedian was on Live with Kelly and Ryan, Ryan Seacrest wanted to know if she would do it again. Sykes told him, “Oh! Hell! No!”

“I shouldn’t say it like that,” the actress said, “It was an amazing honor. I think it is something you want to do. You do it once. And I don’t know if I would want to do it again. It is a huge job. It took a lot of people to clean me up.”

Personally, I would love to see her get a do-over. I think she could host Hollywood’s biggest night all by herself, and it will be an enjoyable show. The three hosts thing just didn’t work.


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