Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Chrissy Teigen’s latest fashion accessory is a neckbrace 
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[ # ] Chrissy Teigen’s latest fashion accessory is a neckbrace 
May 7th, 2024 under Chrissy Teigen

Yesterday, Pam Anderson wore a 200-carat diamond necklace to the Met Gala, and Chrissy Teigen wore a $20 CVS neckbrace in her home.

Why was Mrs. John Legend wearing a padded choker? She learned the hard way that things you used to do in your 20s are things you can no longer do when you are 38. That thing is a headstand. And it did not go the way she wanted to. So now, she can turn her head sideways.

Is that why she was missing from the event? Nope. The model says she was never going.


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