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Sigourney Weaver is not the name she was born with
November 30th, 2022 under Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, Ryan Seacrest, Sigourney Weaver. [ Comments: none ]

Believe it or not. Sigourney Weaver’s parents didn’t name her Sigourney. They called their baby girl Susan. However, when she was 11, she decided to change her first name.

Yesterday when the actress was on Live with Kelly and Ryan, she told them how she came up with the name we call her now.

“I was reading The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The name Sigourney is mentioned once,” the star said. “I looked at that. It had my initial, and then it had this waxy-long name. And I thought, ‘Oh, I am just going to use it for a while til I can figure out who I am.'”

Since Weaver has been using the name for over 60 years, we can all agree that she found out she is a Sigourney, which totally works for her. She stands out in a group of Susans, so why shouldn’t she go by a name that stands out like her?

What did her parents think of her changing their name? Well, her father was born Sylvester, but everyone called him Pat. While her mom went by Liz even though her parents called her Desiree. So it is just the Weaver thing to do!


Sigourney Weaver goes to see the Aliens high school play
April 27th, 2019 under Sigourney Weaver. [ Comments: none ]

North Bergen High School got a lot of attention by doing a live stage version of the movie Aliens. So much so they garnered press from all over the World. It was hard to ignore, so even Sigourney Weaver heard about it.

Yesterday, for the movie’s 40th anniversary, they put on a special performance and there was someone very special in the audience. Ellen Ripley herself was watching the show. Then when it was over, she surprised the students. They were more surprised then we were when the alien came out of that guy’s belly. Unlike the guy, who was aliened, they deserved it.

Weaver had a message for the students. To see then, click here!


BTWF: Sigourney Weaver at a Beatles concert
April 2nd, 2019 under Before They Were Famous, Sigourney Weaver, The Beatles. [ Comments: none ]
Before Sigourney Weaver was screaming in Alien, she was screaming for The Beatles. She looks the same now as she did when she was 14 at that 1964 concert at the Hollywood Bowl.


Ray Liotta says that Sigourney Weaver was the worst actress he kissed!
March 10th, 2017 under Andy Cohen, J-Lo, Sigourney Weaver. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 2001, Ray Liotta and Sigourney Weaver starred in the movie Heartbreakers and yesterday he told Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live that she wasn’t a Heartbreaker.

The Bravo host asked the Shades of Blue star to play Plead the Fifth handcuffed to his co-star Jennifer Lopez and the first question was who was the worst actress he kissed in any of his roles. Without hesitation the actor said it was, “Sigourney.” Didn’t say why, but safer he doesn’t because she is one of those actresses who I could see kicking his a$$.

The next questions was who was the most overrated rated actor from the ’80s and ’90s, and I agree with him that it is Clint Eastwood.

The final question was what is his most favorite and least favorite J-Lo songs. That one stumped him because he didn’t know her music. Me-ow! I only know that one song too, so I understand why he didn’t know her tunes.

Since he got that answer wrong, it was time for Jenny From the Block to answer a question. Cohen wanted to know of the 5 men that asked her to marry her, which one did she say no to. Since she was married to Ojani Noa, Cris Judd and Mark Anthony and left at the alter by Ben Affleck, who could #5 be? Diddy or Casper Smart or someone else? Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm?

No word if the two co-stars were ever freed from the handcuffs? If not, Liotta might become the 6th man to propose to her if you know what I mean.


BTWF ads: Sigourney Weaver for Pepsi
July 15th, 2013 under Before They Were Famous, Sigourney Weaver. [ Comments: none ]

Before Sigourney Weaver was the Secretary of State on Political Animals, she was drinking Pepsi. She looks the same now as she did when she was 28 in that 1978 commercial.


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