Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Tyra Banks
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Who knew Tyra Banks was a Furry?
January 26th, 2024 under Tyra Banks. [ Comments: none ]

Tyra Banks went to the Nets game on Wednesday, and things got foul when the camera was on them. That is because she was seated next to two Furries, and they did things that Furries do. I hope they got a room after the game because that is the kinkiest three-pointer I have ever seen.


Tyra Banks says ‘It’s time’ for her to leave Dancing with the Stars
March 17th, 2023 under Alfonso Ribeiro, Dancing with the Stars, Tyra Banks. [ Comments: none ]

They say bad things come in threes. And we can say that about the number of years that Tyra Banks hosted Dancing with the Stars. It is strike three for the former model because she told TMZ she is leaving hosting to focus on her business.

“I feel it’s really time for me to focus on my business and my entrepreneurship, and also producing more TV — but behind the scenes,” Banks said. “I think it’s time to graduate from the dance floor to the stock market floor.”

Instead, she will focus on her ice cream company and producing shows behind the scenes, which includes an upcoming business show.

Talking business. I believe that Disney opted not to renew her contract because I have never seen a host be as hated as she was for doing this job. She was such a ratings killer the once-popular show went from ABC to Disney+. So I am sure Disney+ will keep her co-host Alfonso Ribeiro on as a host and maybe add Cheryl Burke to the show to help him out.

Are you going to miss seeing Tyra’s face and awful fashion choices on our TVs? On that note, imagine how much DWTS is saving by not having to dress her every week.


Len Goodman seems to be over Tyra Banks’ BS
November 1st, 2022 under Dancing with the Stars, Tyra Banks. [ Comments: none ]

via Saechti

This is the third season that Tyra Banks has been hosting Dancing with the Stars, and most people wish we could vote her off.

While that is how we feel at home, the judges have been quiet about the mistakes she makes, the unnecessary small talk she has with the contestants, and the stuff that they dress her in.

Well, things seemed to be a little different yesterday because Head Judge Len Goodman called her out on a stupid thing she said.

Goodman told Charli D’amelio and Mark Ballas that their dance made him feel like “I was transported to some club in Argentina.” To which Tyra told him, “I heard the audience kind of make a sound when Len said he was transported to a club in Argentina.” Then she made it seem like he was talking about a modern-day dance club that young people go to.

And then she added that she thought the audience was like, “Whatcha talkin’ about a club?” That is when a frustrated Goodman told the host, “I don’t know what you are talking about?”

He and the other judges have been silent long enough. Time for them to start calling her out on the stupid things she says. She adds nothing to show but misery. Hopefully, this season will be her last, and they will let my JHS alum, Alfonso Ribeiro do it by himself from now on. We know he can do it.


Tyra Banks ate Shangela’s boob chicken
October 25th, 2022 under Dancing with the Stars, Tyra Banks. [ Comments: none ]

Tyra Banks finds a way to make herself the most memorable part of each Dancing with the Stars episode she hosts. Sometimes it is because she screws up a name or line. Other times it is because of the outfits or wigs that she wears.

Yesterday, it was because she ate a piece of fried chicken that came out of Shangela’s dress. That’s right.

Shangela’s mom told her to bring some chicken for the judges. The Drag Queen asked Len Goodman, “Were my legs crispy?” He complimented her gams, so she told him, “Good! Because I brought a piece of…My mama said, make sure I give you this crispy chicken to make sure my legs were just as crispy. Halleluja!”

Since he is British and they only fried fish, he put it down without taking a bite, which was rude.

And then Tyra asked her if she did her routine with a piece of chicken in her dress. That is when Shangela took out a second piece and gave it to the host.

Tyra offered it to the other judges, but they said no. So she took a big bite and said, “This is some good chicken!”

People were shocked that she ate it, but I say that I am happy she did. Because we need to respect the mamas out there. So I look at it as though she was respecting Mama Shangela!

Now, would I have done it? I probably would’ve done what Len did because, Ewwww! But, thankfully, Tyra is not me.


Dancing with the Stars shockingly keeps Tyra Banks as a host
July 14th, 2022 under Alfonso Ribeiro, Dancing with the Stars, Tyra Banks. [ Comments: none ]

As we know, Dancing with the Stars is moving to Disney+ this season. However, we didn’t know if Tyra Banks would be back as the host of the show.

Today, the streaming service announced that the much-hated host would be back for a third season. But she will not be alone. She is going to be joined by the much-loved Alfonso Ribeiro.

“‘Dancing with the Stars’ has been such an important part of my life for so many years, and I am ecstatic to officially re-join this tight-knit family as co-host,” said Ribeiro. “Tyra and I have a longstanding friendship that I hope will resonate with all of the fans at home as we kick off this new season on Disney+.”

Let’s see how well their friendship lasts when they work together on the show. What was I thinking? She, work with someone else without any issues? No. To me, it seems that she is all about herself and doesn’t like to share the spotlight with anyone, including the contestants.

That is the negative of contracts. It is so hard to get rid of someone once they signed on the dotted line. Hopefully, her contract is only for three years and not for longer than that.

Oh, and Disney+ also revealed that Len Goodman, Carrie Ann Inaba, Bruno Tonioli, and Derek Hough will all be back.

DWTS does not have a premiere date yet. Does this news make you want to watch it, or has the show danced into the sunset for you?


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