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Craig Ferguson caused the lights to go out during the Super Bowl
February 4th, 2013 under Craig Ferguson, Super Bowl. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday the lights went out in New Orleans during the 2nd half off the Super Bowl and everyone had their theories about what caused the outage. I thought it was the guys in Silicon Valley hacking into the system to give their team more time to figure out how to come from behind and win the game. Some other people thought that since Beyonce was done performing the game was over too. Others thought they forgot to pay their power bill. And then again maybe NBC came up with a great way to promote Revolution during the big event on CBS.
Well all of the idea were wrong because turns out it was Craig Ferguson’s fault. Turns out that the, soon-to-be-former after that boo boo, Late Late Show host charged Lucy Liu’s phone in an outlet he wasn’t supposed to do it in. Guess CBS is kind of regretting their decision to send him to the big game now. Although maybe they made the right choice because people were tuning in to see when the power would go back on and when the game would begin again thus making it the most watched Super Bowl in metered markets to date!
Or as Baltimore Ravens and Super Bowl MVP would put it, it was “f*cking awesome!” To the PTC who is upset because he dropped the F-bomb, what would you say if you won such a close Super Bowl like the Ravens did? You would say the exact same thing as he did! I have used that exact same phrasing for events that were much less f*cking awesome that yesterday’s nail biting game!
But back to Ferguson tune into to LLS tonight at 12:37a to see what other power outages he has caused since yesterday. You know his show has been done in forced darkness more than any other late night show, maybe it something about him???

(starts at 1:08 in)


Elementary is having a Super Bowl of a season!
February 3rd, 2013 under CBS, Super Bowl. [ Comments: none ]

Elementary is the #1 new show of the season and so far it is has only been scoring touchdowns. Not only was the Thursday night drama that airs at 10 picked up for a full season, CBS also ordered an addition episode. And the good news doesn’t stop there, tonight CBS gave the show its biggest vote of confidence because Sherlock is going to solve a crime after the Super Bowl. Each year only one show gets that accolade and this year it belongs to Elementary!
So how does show creator Rob Doherty feel about the honor? Here is what he said recently at the CBS Winter Press Day, “It’s an honor; it’s a privilege; it’s an incredible opportunity to expose the show to people who may not have checked it out yet. And so we tried to take all that into consideration as we developed the story that we felt, you know, not only was a good example of what the show can do, but something that our regular audience would you know, would really have fun with as well.”
So once you are hooked on the show, if you are not already, what do you have to look forward to:

Moriaty – Doherty says he is coming, but as of now no one has been cast in the role and he explained why. He said, “You know, it’s tricky business. We cannot wait to get more serious about Moriarty. In this day and age, it’s so hard to stunt it’s so hard it’s virtually impossible to stunt a role and not have everyone in the universe know that this person is coming and will be revealed as this character. So we’re approaching it very carefully and as quietly as we can. At the end of the day, we want a tremendous actor, but again, it’s certainly it’s less fun for me if all of you know who it is and when they’ll arrive and what they’ll be doing. But it’s a problem in the immediate future, but at least not we have a few more weeks, I think, before we have to sweat that.”

Irene Adler – Here is what Doherty said about her, “Irene is somebody what I don’t like about the character of Irene right now is really she’s a name. She’s an important element of Sherlock’s backstory, especially our Sherlock. I’d love to have a face to that name. And we’ve talked, in a very roundabout way, about maybe doing a flashback show where we can see a little bit more of why would someone like our Sherlock be drawn to this particular woman? What is it about her that would that he would be attracted to? She’s got to be pretty unique. So we definitely want to meet her. And so in that sense, you will see a living, breathing actress reading lines and portraying Irene.”

What’s next the next step for Sherlock and Watson’s relationship? – Doherty said, “We’ve always planned to get to a point in the season where we formalized the relationship. I mean, you know, the sober companionship was a starting point. It was important to the series, and it gave — you know, it gave Watson a real purpose to be in the life of Holmes. But you can’t do that for six, seven, eight years. And so we don’t plan to. You know, as we — again, as we get into this end run, as we wrap up this season, we want to redefine that relationship. I mean, I think at this point it’s fairly clear that there’s — you know, there’s a great deal of respect between the two of them. You know, I feel like a powerful friendship has — you know, has developed. It’s not that may not be the term that either would use to describe you know, either character would use to describe that relationship, but it’s a friendship. And, yet you, know, my sense of Sherlock is that everything many things need to be defined in a more formal way. So I think that as he recognizes the sober companion side of things, or the sober companion side of Joan is sort of falling away, he’ll want to make her more appropriate, you know, more of an associate, more of a partner, more of somebody he can lean on and utilize in an investigative way.”


Elementary scores a Super Bowl sized touchdown!
November 5th, 2012 under CBS, Super Bowl. [ Comments: none ]

Every year TV folk wonder which show is going to get the coveted post-Super Bowl slot and this year it is Elementary scores that goal! The freshman procedural stars Jonny Lee Miller as a modern day Sherlock Holmes and Lucy Liu plays his Watson. Currently it is the #2 new show of the year and I am sure after its special airing on February 3rd, it will become the #1 one.
Personally if I were running CBS, I would have a Two and a Half Men/Big Bang Theory crossover episode. I think that would’ve been a huger success because it already does so well in the ratings. Or maybe a NCIS/NCIS: Los Angeles crossover one because they are the top-rated scripted shows. I don’t know, I just don’t think Elementary is a good fit with the Super Bowl audience. What do you think?


Now Jimmy Kimmel asked for adults to be tortured during the Super Bowl
February 7th, 2012 under Jimmy Kimmel, Super Bowl. [ Comments: none ]

For Halloween and Christmas Jimmy Kimmel challenged parents to torture their kids by doing cruel things to them as they filmed it. Well since the Super Bowl is an adult holiday, the ABC late night host challenged people of all ages to videotape the reactions of their loved ones and friends as they watched the Super Bowl. Sounds boring? Well it gets more exciting when he wanted to see how they would handle their TVs being unplugged during a key point in the game. As you can expect they were not so happy to even miss a second of the nail biter and took it out the pranksters. Watch the above video that aired on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday to see how the fans reacted to the blacked out TVs. And if you can get enough, you can watch the unedited videos on YouTube under Hey Jimmy Kimmel, I unplugged the TV during the game. Below is my favorite one of the bunch.


Madonna was Super and she Bowled me over
February 5th, 2012 under Madonna, Super Bowl. [ Comments: none ]

All week we have listened to Madonna talk about her movie and being her arrogant self that I completely forgot what an amazing musical performer she is. That was until her halftime show at the Super Bowl. She rocked that football field in a way only she can. I just wish she didn’t do her new song that sounds like it should be on the 1983 Valley Girl soundtrack instead of an album in 2012.


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