Remember how shocked you were to see Kevin Hart down on the field after the Eagles won their first Super Bowl? Well turns out he was too.
Yesterday, when he was talking to Conan O’Brien he told him how he got down there with the players for his hometown’s football team. As we know, he was drunk. Being drunk gives you balls and the alcohol definitely did that for the comedian. When his team won, he told his wife and his friends that they should all go down to celebrate with the guys.
Only problem is they didn’t have passes. He didn’t care. He kept walking past security and told them that he was, “Kevin Hart,” and it worked. Once he was down on the turf, he stole some. Which he framed.
Eventually, he found himself with the football players and they tossed him around like he was football, since he is about the same size. Something he discovered the next day when he saw video from the night before.
As he was talking to the winners, he thought that Philadelphia would love to see him with the trophy. Now he was determined to go up on the stage, even though one of the players told him the trophy was next to him. He did not hear that and was destined to get on to that stage no matter what. There is only one thing that could stop him, and it was not his wife. It is a security guard twice his size.
Hart never did say if he got a picture with the trophy, but he did he say he would do it all over again! Who wouldn’t because that is the ultimate experience for a long time fan.
Tune in Sunday, February 4 after the Super Bowl and set your DVR with extra time so you don't miss a single minute.
For all the men that are sad that their team did not make the Super Bowl this year, the women in their life will be even more depressed as they watch the This Is Us episode that will air following the game on February 4th. That is because NBC released a promo today for that ep and it looks like it is the one where we finally find out how Jack died.
Even since we found that Jack did not see his Big Three go off to college or anything after that, we have wanted to know what happened. We speculated. Came up with the theories. Then we got a glimpse of what happened in the season 2 premiere. And now it looks like that moment is finally coming.
No matter how bad Justin Timberlake is during the half time show. No matter who wins the big football game. All anyone will be talking about the next day is how Jack died.
Therefore, do not serve things like Buffalo wings and nachos because you are going to need the extra napkins for when you run out of tissues. And you will. Thus, you need to stock up on tissues, toilet paper, paper towels and napkins because we are going to through all of that just like it was growing on trees. Oh wait!
Anyways, how are you mentally preparing for this climatic episode? Which most likely will be the best post-Super Bowl show since the Grey’s Anatomy one. Wasn’t that episode an explosive episode.
Finally, do not believe me on the tears? This is the The This Is Us cast watching tonight’s episode and Jack was still alive in it. Look at Mandy Moore, Milo Ventimilgia and Sterling K Brown’s faces because that says it all. Thank you Dan Fogelman for breaking our hearts and making us cry every Tuesday and one special Sunday. Not! You owe me money for all the cash I spend on tissues every month, and it ain’t for my allergies.
Justin Timberlake released the second single from his upcoming album Man in the Woods, and it is actually worse than the first one. It is so bad that if he plays either song at the Super Bowl Half Time, he should be prepared for the fans to throw their hot dogs at him. While us fans at home, will be throwing the grossest pot luck entries at the television set.
I mean, it is bad club music that still sounds like crap even when you are drunk. What happened to the kid who did catchy music with *NYSNC and how can we get him back? Because this new version of him is as bad as his acting and we know how awful that is.
On a positive note, at least the song is better than the music video. Or is that a positive note?
On February 1, 2004, Super Bowl Half Time shows were changed forever. That is when Justin Timberlake accidentally revealed Janet Jackson’s boob and we learned the phrase wardrobe malfunction. Ever since then, neither singer was seen at the Super Bowl.
Now nearly 14 years later, one of them will finally be back on the field and it is Timberlake,. The NFL announced today that he got the coveted half time show at the Super Bowl LII. All I have to say is we better get an *NSYNC reunion and medley or this pick was not worth it.
What do you think of Mr Sexy Back doing the SBHT show?
Ever since Pepsi, the NFL and Fox announced that Lady Gaga was going to do the Halftime show at the Super Bowl, I couldn’t wait for it. I knew she was going to be one of the best ever and she didn’t disappoint. She started it off singing God Bless America and This Land Is Your Land on the rooftop. Which was a subtle and positive political message!
Then she was ready to jump into action, by jumping down and singing Poker Face. That was the next level of awesomeness. But there was one more level to go. Down to the stage to belt out and dance her a$$ off to Born This Way, Telephone (Where was Beyonce?), Just Dance and A Million Reasons before concluding with Bad Romance. All while having time to say hi to her parents who came to see the show!
That was one hell of a performance and believe it or not, it was only 13:33 long. It felt like a full concert. Which is why she deserved the right to drop that mic! I think we all dropped it for her!
I think we all became a little more gaga for Gaga tonight!