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The Weeknd wasn’t as bad as I thought…he was worse
February 7th, 2021 under Super Bowl, The Weeknd. [ Comments: 1 ]

Whoever has been booking the Super Bowl Halftime Shows for CBS should find a new job. First, they screwed up with Coldplay that left us cold. Then they followed it up with Maroon 5, who made us wish we were marooned on an island without them. And now, they gave us The Weeknd.

He was so boring the Kansas City Cheifs’ fans were able to sleep through the rest of the game like their team slept through all four quarters when they didn’t even score one touchdown.

Just One of the Guys’ Joyce Hyser Robinson had the best meme reaction to The Weeknd’s masked dancers. If you never seen the movie, then you should watch it now.


Is Pepsi thinking their Super Bowl halftime show is in trouble?
January 8th, 2021 under Super Bowl. [ Comments: none ]
For some reason, CBS and Pepsi think that The Weeknd is going to be an exciting halftime show at the Super Bowl this year. As with Maroon 5 and Coldplay, they are wrong.

Therefore, it looks like Pepsi is going to invest heavily into it, instead of in commercials during the football game.

Todd Kaplan, Pepsi’s vice president of marketing, told Varietys, “we are going to double down on our existing 12 minutes in the Pepsi Super Bowl Halftime Show in the middle of the Super Bowl, and we are going to build it out like we have never built it out before.”

What that means, we will find out on February 7th. That is if we don’t fall asleep during his performance. It is not that his music is boring. It is just that it is not right for this stage. There is nothing about it that pumps you up. It is just too mellow. It goes better with pot and ecstasy than beer.


How far down the list did the NFL go to get The Weeknd for the Super Bowl
November 12th, 2020 under Sports figures, Super Bowl. [ Comments: none ]

The other day, I was wondering if they are going to have an act for the Super Bowl Halftime Show. Then I wondered if there is going to a Super Bowl at all. Well, the answer is yes to both.

Today, Pepsi, CBS, and the NFL announced that The Weeknd is going to perform at the halftime show in Tampa Bay on February 7th. CBS is the same network that thought that Coldplay and Maroon 5 were good ideas. I think from now on; they should not be allowed to pick music artists for the big show.

Seriously, who thought The Weeknd was a good idea? If they wanted someone whose song is big on TikTok, they should have gone with Jason Derulo. He would be a much better choice. Plus, he could have gotten BTS and Will Smith to join him. Who is The Weeknd going to get to sing with him in the Blinding Lights?

Actually, this year more than any other in the past, they needed a really rocking band like Bon Jovi. That is because there is not going to be a full audience, and they are going to need someone who can pump whatever crowd there is. The Weeknd is going to put them to sleep. I am already falling asleep thinking about it.

Are you excited for him to perform at the Super Bowl?


Will Bon Jovi ever play the Super Bowl halftime show?
April 15th, 2020 under Bon Jovi, Howard Stern, Super Bowl. [ Comments: none ]

Every year, I ask myself the same question after the Super Bowl. When will Bon Jovi ever play the halftime show? If ever there was a band, who was made to do it, it is them.

I am not the only one who wants to know, so does Howard Stern. Therefore, today when the rocker was on the show, the shock jock asked him that very question.

The singer with the best a$$ in Rock’n’Roll told him, “No desire, I turned it down many many years ago.”

Since Stern knows how to do an interview, he followed up with, “why?” JBJ explained, “I didn’t like that you had to team up with other people. And you had these people come in on your stage. And all the demands and then the pressures on it.”

Then he added, “It didn’t appeal to me play at the New Jersey one. It seemed too obvious. The last time, honest to Gd, we were at all interested was back when they had it in Dallas. And we didn’t get it. And I said, ‘That’s the end of it. I don’t want it. I won’t even talk about it again.'”

Sadly, we have our answer if they will ever play the SBHTS. They will never do it. Which is a shame because they could have brought down the house. The energy in the stands would have been like something we have not seen in a really long time at the annual football game.

BTW Who did the NFL get to play the halftime show in Dallas instead of Jovi? Back in 2011, Black Eyed Peas, Usher, and Slash rocked out on the field. I don’t remember their performance, do you? The last good show, to me, was Bruno Mars in 2014.

Now that Jovi is out of contention, which band do you really want to see get the gig?


How boring was the Super Bowl?
February 2nd, 2020 under J-Lo, Shakira, Sports figures, Super Bowl. [ Comments: none ]

Maybe it was because the New England Patriots were not in the Super Bowl, but it was a real snoozefest. How much of one? Some fan fell asleep during the game before the half time show. Maybe he was just trying to rest up for Shakira and Jennifer Lopez’s performance. What man didn’t rise up for that show?

In this guy’s defense, the only time I ever fell asleep during an event was during a Rod Stewart concert in the Miami Arena. (He was my third concert in as 48 hours.) That town will eat you up and spit you out. I miss living there.

Talking about Miami, I hope WSVN’s Patrick Fraser finds out who that guy was and why he was sleeping during the football game. If anyone can get all the details, it is him.

If you need something to wake up, then you can rewatch Shakira and J-Lo. To see them move their hips all over again, then click here!


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