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The best of the Super Bowl ads
February 8th, 2010 under Ads, Super Bowl. [ Comments: none ]

I know most people think David Letterman’s ad with his arch rival Jay Leno was the best one that aired during the Super Bowl, but my favorite was the Snickers one with Betty White and Abe Vigoda. I mostly liked it because we got to see that Abe Vigoda is Alive and I didn’t have to check out the website to confirm it!
What were you favorite ads and did I miss any?
BTW who cared more about the commercials than the game?


Burn Notice kicks off Super Bowl shows on USA tonight
January 29th, 2009 under Super Bowl, USA Network. [ Comments: 1 ]

Tonight at 10p on USA Burn Notice starts off the first of three Super Bowl themed shows! And let’s just say what a way to kick off the game.
On tonight’s episode something so firey hot will happen between Fiona and Michael that will change their relationship forever.
And tomorrow tune in for Monk and Psych starting at 9p on USA for two episodes that definitely score a touchdown!!!


Touchdown! Burn Notice, Monk and Psych get Super Bowl episodes!
January 7th, 2009 under Bruce Campbell, Psych, Super Bowl, USA Network. [ Comments: none ]

(photo © USA)

The Super Bowl will air on NBC on February 1st, but before lots and lots of us tune into watch the big game NBC’s sister network USA is going to air three Super Bowl themed episodes!

BURN NOTICE kicks it off on Thursday, January 29 at 10/9c in “Hot Spot” when Michael (Jeffrey Donovan), Fiona (Gabrielle Anwar) and Sam (Bruce Campbell) pose as a gang of ruthless car thieves to stop a thug who is threatening a local high school football star. Meanwhile, Fiona and Michael track down the man responsible for the explosion at Michael’s loft. Former Dallas Cowboy and University of Miami Hurricane and football great, Michael Irvin makes a special guest appearance as the local football coach.

On Friday, January 30 at 9/8c, MONK suits up to play in “Mr. Monk Makes the Playoffs,” when Monk (Tony Shalhoub) scores tickets to the biggest football game of the year, but he and Captain Stottlemeyer (Ted Levine) can’t go inside until they figure out who tried to blow up a fan in the parking lot. Famed sports announcer Bob Costas stops by.

Immediately following on PSYCH, Shawn (James Roday) and Gus (Dule Hill) are drafted in, the appropriately titled, “Any Given Friday at 10/9c,” when the guys sign up for training camp after the foot of a professional football kicker is discovered. Mykelti Williamson (“Forest Gump”) joins this episode as a special guest star.

I can’t wait to see all of those episodes!
BTW both Monk and Psych are back with two hysterical episodes this Friday and Burn Notice is back on January 22nd!!!


Bruce Springsteen is going to the Super Bowl
September 29th, 2008 under Sports figures, Super Bowl. [ Comments: 2 ]

Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band will perform during the coveted halftime show at the Super Bowl according to Billboard. I know I should be excited about this, but I just never got on the Bruce Springsteen train and I know I am one of the few who feels that way. Positive note at least we won’t have to worry about wardrobe malfunction unless his tight pair of jeans burst at the seams.


House gets the post-Super Bowl time slot!!!
May 17th, 2007 under Lisa Edelstein/Hugh Laurie/House, Super Bowl. [ Comments: none ]

According to Variety Fox has given House the post-Super Bowl time slot on February 3rd. Normally the nets wait to announce who gets that time closer to the game, but Fox felt why wait. The head of Fox Scheduling, Preston Breck said, "Of all the shows we have, this is the biggest scripted one. And to maximize revenue, you want to put a big show behind the Super Bowl." You know this episode is going to be way off the charts exciting. It might even top the excitement of the Grey's Anatomy bomb episode! You go House!!!

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