Kelly Clarkson is filling in for Simon Cowell this week on America’s Got Talent |
August 10th, 2020 under America's Got Talent, Kelly Clarkson, Simon Cowell. [ Comments: none ]
 Kelly Clarkson/Instagram
Simon Cowell fell off of his electric bike this Saturday afternoon and broke his back. He then spent the night in surgery to repair the broken bones.
Needless to say, he is not going to be in the mood to do the live America’s Got Talent shows on Tuesday and Wednesday. Therefore, they asked Kelly Clarkson to sit his chair, and she said yes.
This gives NBC and her more exposure for her daytime talk show that just earned her an Emmy. Which makes you wonder why they didn’t ask Ellen DeGeneres to do it because she needs some positive exposure. Plus, Ellen has judging experience. Remember, she was a judge on American Idol for a failed season with Cowell. I know we try to forget about that heinous season. That was a really bad year.
Simon Cowell still has his sense of humor |
August 10th, 2020 under Simon Cowell. [ Comments: 3 ]
On Saturday, Simon Cowell fell off of his brand new electric bike, and he broke his back. Then he spent yesterday recuperating from a 5-hour surgery to repair the broken bones and had a rod put in his back.
With all of that, you would think he lost his sense of humor, far from it. This morning the King of Mean wrote, “Some good advice…If you buy an electric trail bike, read the manual before you ride it for the first time. I have broken part of my back. Thank you to everyone for your kind messages.” Then he followed it up with, “And a massive thank you to all the nurses and doctors. Some of the nicest people I have ever met. Stay safe everyone. Simon.”
What did they do to him while he was in surgery? He came out nice.
Seriously, I hope he keeps up that sense of humor because he is going to need it to get through the next few months. They say laughter is the best medicine for a reason.
Simon Cowell will miss this week’s live shows of America’s Got Talent |
August 9th, 2020 under America's Got Talent, Simon Cowell. [ Comments: none ]
Simon Cowell broke his back yesterday afternoon while testing out an electric bike at his Malibu residence. He was rushed to the hospital and spent five hours in surgery to repair his back. Therefore, it makes sense that Deadline is reporting that he will miss filming this Tuesday and Wednesday’s live shows of America’s Got Talent. They are the first live shows of the season.
No word who will replace him, but I don’t think should. Heidi Klum, Howie Mandel, and Sofia Vergara can do it without him for the time being.
Personally, I don’t think Simon will be back this season. He needs to recuperate and come back stronger than ever next year.
Get well soon!
Simon Cowell broke his back testing out an electric bike |
August 9th, 2020 under America's Got Talent, Simon Cowell. [ Comments: 1 ]
Simon Cowell got a new electric bike, and he thought he would test it out yesterday afternoon. That proved to be a huge mistake because the reality show mogul fell and broke his back.
His rep told People, “He hurt his back and was taken to the hospital. He’s doing fine, he’s under observation and is in the best possible hands.” The rep also added that he was going to have surgery on it yesterday evening.
No word if he will be able to appear on America’s Got Talent’s first live show of the season this Tuesday on NBC. Eric Stonestreet filled in for Heidi Klum earlier this season. I am sure he would do it again.
Simon Cowell might be a pain in the butt, but he doesn’t deserve to have one. Hopefully, he will be better soon. And stay off of electric bikes.
America’s Got Talent’s production meetings look different |
June 24th, 2020 under America's Got Talent, Heidi Klum, Howie Mandel, Simon Cowell, Sofia Vergara, Terry Crews. [ Comments: none ]
Production is just starting up in Hollywood, and America’s Got Talent is one of the very few shows that is back on the job. New judge Sofia Vergara gave us a glimpse of what it will look like when they get up to the Judges’ Cuts episodes. Now, Howie Mandel is showing us what the production meetings look like with him and his fellow judges Vergara, Simon Cowell, Heidi Klum, and host Terry Crews.
Instead of sitting in a conference room at a table, they are in an empty sound stage on chairs that are 6′ apart. Another big difference is that they are all wearing masks. I am sure they wish that Cowell was donning the one that Hannibal Lecture wore in Silence of the Lambs.
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