It seemed like Simon Cowell and Mezhgan Hussainy’s were rushing things with their relationship and now his mom has confirmed it. His 85 year old mum told the Daily Mail that her son and his fiancee’ are on a break. She returned to the US while Simon is filming the UK version of X Factor. His mother added, “I think [the engagement] was too quick. This might give them the break they need to think it through. Marriage is a very, very big step.” I wonder if that means that his mother is not really a fan of her future-daughter-in-law by revealing this to the British paper?
Simon’s people denied the break and said she would be joining Simon in the next few weeks. We shall see…
Ryan Seacrest Tweeted this picture of himself on the Emmy red carpet yesterday rehearsing for today’s big event. Looking at that picture of him, I have to wonder when did Simon Cowell start styling him or is it just that he is going to miss working with the mean judge so much on American Idol that he is starting to dress like him. What is even worse is he even has his hairstyle in that picture.
Bauer-Griffin Online
Simon Cowell went out without a shirt and I had to wonder if he needed a Brossiere? But it wasn’t his moobs that scared me most, doesn’t it look like he waxed the outer part of his stomach? Why would you only wax a portion of your belly and not all of it?
Yesterday after Did Benami butchered What Becomes of the Broken Hearted on American Idol, Simon seemed to compare her performance to the singers on a competing network’s reality show. The King of Mean said, “If you listen to one of those dancing shows, they have the singers,, you know, murdering a song on it…If you ever watch it. That’s what it kind of (sounds like.)” As Simon was being interrupted by Randy Jackson he had the biggest mischievous smile on his face, so he totally knew what he was doing and was waiting for the opportunity to use the comparison. So I wonder was he referring to Dancing with the Stars or could it be another show he was talking about? He probably isn’t referring to Randy Jackson’s show on MTV America’s Best Dance Crew because they use recorded tracks. So if it is DWTS, I think he was so right. Every Monday night I wonder what songs Harold Wheeler and the DWTS band will destroy and then every Tuesday night I wonder what songs the American Idol singers will destroy. It is like every Monday and Tuesday is like a line from the Don McLean song American Pie…”The day the music died.” Instead of the meaning behind McLean’s version of the deaths of three rock’n’roll legends in a plane crash, it is the music being killed off song by song by bad singers and horrible arrangements on both shows.
If I had to chose which show was worse then I think Dancing with the Stars is worse because they have never ever made a song better, some American Idol contestants have reworked a song to make it better than the original. Not that often, but there have been a few times that has happened.
Simon Cowell was on The Tonight Show and Jay Leno asked him about his wedding plans. The American Idol Judge was very coy about all the details, but the one telling thing from this interview is how much he loves Mezhgan Hussainy. How nice was it to see the toughy be all mushy over her! Wonder if he will fell the same way when she files for divorce and gets half of his billions? I joke, I think they will last.
BTW who else is bummed that when Simon brought his finacee’ out on to stage with him, he didn’t do what Tom Cruise did on Oprah Winfrey and jumped up and down on the couch? Such a missed opportunity because it started out the same way.