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American Dad is moving on up to TBS tonight!
October 20th, 2014 under Seth MacFarlane. [ Comments: none ]

For the last 10 seasons American Dad has been on Fox, but tonight it makes it debut on TBS at 9p.
In honor of the new address, Stan Smith is thinking of moving the family to a gated community. How many moves will The Smiths go through tonight? You just have to tune in.
That and to see Hayley go blond, and it’s all for a good cause.
I think the change is a really good thing for the animated sitcom because they get to do a lot of things they couldn’t do at their old home. For example, they can now use the S word. Will they? You’ll just have to check it out.


The Simpsons on Family Guy is truly the best crossover ever!
September 28th, 2014 under Seth MacFarlane, The Simpsons. [ Comments: none ]
Tonight at 9p on Fox The Griffins go to Springfield on the season premiere of Family Guy and it might be one of the best things ever. If you have ever seen any episodes of The Simpsons and Family Guy, then you MUST watch this episode because you are going to love it. Both shows do things that they’ve never done before when they are together, and for years you have wanted to see them do these things but didn’t know it. You get a bad a$$ Homer Simpson and tamer Peter Griffin, and it is just what you needed.
The episode starts off in Quahog and Peter is now a cartoonist for the local paper. When his cartoons offend his neighbors, The Griffins are chased out of town. After traveling all night, they finally stop at gas station. When they come out of the store, someone steals their car with everything in. Now they must walk to the next inhabited area and it is, wait for it, SPRINGFIELD!
The first place they stop at is the Kwik-E-Mart where they meet Apu. He shows them a thing called the doughnut, but they don’t have any money to pay for them. A kind stranger offers to buy them a dozen. That stranger is Homer Simpson and a friendship is sealed with some frosting.
The two families become quick friends and we get two watch their worlds collide. Homer and Peter are like Dumb and Dumber, but even better.
The two men come up with different ways to get The Griffins’ car back and you will see things that can’t be unseen. No matter how hard they try, they can’t find the automobile and looks like The Griffins will be stuck there forever. Which I think would be the best thing ever.
But back to the hour-long special episode. Everything is copacetic between the two men, until… When that moment happens, they will have the greatest chicken fight ever that goes on for almost 10 minutes. It is so epic that you don’t want to miss a single punch.
Actually, you don’t want to miss a single second of this episode. The town of Springfield gets to do things they’ve never done before, and it doesn’t feel wrong. There are so many jokes, guest appearances and so much more, that any fan of The Simpsons will appreciate what the people at Family Guy have done with their time in Springfield.
It is so enjoyable and loveable, that you will wish that Fox cancels Mulaney (this is just one of the many many many many reasons) ASAP and pick up The Simpsons Guy to series. Why can’t they? They seriously need to do it.
Don’t take my word for it, take it from The Simpsons’ Executive Producer Al Jean. On a conference call earlier in the week, he had this to say about the crossover episode “I’ve seen the whole episode, and I loved it. That’s probably my strongest recommendation.” Then he added, “I don’t want to reveal the jokes in it; but I thought it was actually sweet, and it made me laugh multiple, multiple times, so I’m glad it exists. If they sold a DVD of it, I’d buy it.” He isn’t the only one, all of us will want to own the DVD as soon as it comes out. You know, Fox will be rushing this out to the market because loyal fans of both shows will want it tomorrow, if not sooner. So don’t only watch this episode live, DVR it. This way you can watch it over and over again until it is available for us to own.
I seriously can’t praise this episode enough because it is that phenomenal. My hat is off to everyone involved with it because what they did will finally earn them that Emmy they said they have never won.


American Dad will be bleep free!!!
September 10th, 2014 under Seth MacFarlane. [ Comments: none ]

For some reason Fox cancelled American Dad for, Mulaney, one of the worst comedies I’ve ever seen and turns out it is good thing for the animated sitcom. Seth MacFarlane’s 2nd show is moving to TBS and now he can do things he has never done before. The Smiths can say words like sh!t and bullsh!t, but WTF they still can’t use the word f*ck.
It’s a start and because of these changes I am even more excited for the show’s debut on it’s new network October 20th! How excited are you to finally hear these words coming out of Stan, Francine and Roger’s mouths and not have it sound like bleep and bleep? I am sure Seth, Scott Grimes and the others are looking forward to it as much as we are.


Even Seth MacFarlane knows his movie is going to bomb
May 24th, 2014 under Seth MacFarlane. [ Comments: none ]

Seth MacFarlane was on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon yesterday and he made up review headlines for his new movie A Million Ways to Die in the West that comes out on Friday. Let’s just say the critics weren’t nice. After seeing Ted, is it wrong for me to think his fake headlines are going to be funnier than the movie?


Cosmos is out of this world!
March 9th, 2014 under National Geographic, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Seth MacFarlane. [ Comments: none ]

Remember when you were little kid in school; and you learned about the planets in Science and you got all excited? Well that is the feeling you will get watching Cosmos on Fox and Nat Geo tonight and every Sunday at 9p. The 13 part series updates the 1980 Emmy winning PBS series that was hosted by Carl Sagan. Now nearly 35 years later we know so much more about worlds that aren’t our own and our own world, and Neil deGrasse Tyson will educate us something we have forgotten but want to remember.
So sit back and feel like a kid again and if you are kid enjoy learning again via Cosmos.


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