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Will Forte only shaved the right half of his face and head!
January 16th, 2016 under Bad Hair, Saturday Night Live, Will Forte. [ Comments: 1 ]

via Seth Meyers
Will Forte’s Fox sitcom Last Man on Earth should really be called Last Scruffy Man on Earth, but that has all changed. The former-SNLer shaved off a half of that scruff. As in the right side of his hair and beard along with his right eyebrow. Why did he do it? He didn’t say, but you have to wonder if it is for a role? Or maybe that is his way of saying that his show will not be back for a third season, so he is cleansing himself of Phil Miller? But then again his hair grows really fast, so he could be back to his hairy self to film the next episode.
BTW put your hand over half of his face to see how different he looks with hair and without it. Crazy, right?


Why you need you take Adele’s 25 to your Thanksgiving meal?
November 22nd, 2015 under Adele, Saturday Night Live. [ Comments: none ]

Many of us dread Thanksgiving dinner because you never know when your family is going to fight. How do you prevent that? You can’t, but Saturday Night Live showed us you can control the situation. Just play Adele’s 25 and everyone will be getting along as long as the music playing. So do everything in your power to make sure it doesn’t stop or the war will restart all over again. And you don’t want that happen because there are some really sharp knives at the table.


Stop the presses, Donald Trump picked up the broom!
November 9th, 2015 under Donald Trump, Saturday Night Live. [ Comments: none ]

As you know by now, Donald Trump’s appearance on Saturday Night Live was a HUGE dud. Unfortunately for the people who sat through that painful 90 minutes, the funniest part came after the show ended. The Republican Presidential Candidate picked up a broom and started to sweep away the confetti that fell at the end of the show. How much sweeping did he do? I am sure he put it down a soon as the photo-op was over. Either that or he put it between his legs and rode it home to Trump Tower. I am leaning to towards the latter.


Larry David does Bernie Sanders!
October 18th, 2015 under Larry David, Saturday Night Live. [ Comments: none ]

If you are like me, then when you watched the Democratic Debate you thought that Bernie Sanders looked and sounded like Larry David. Well we weren’t alone because Saturday Night Live thought the same thing. In fact, they believed it so much they asked the Curb Your Enthusiasm star to play the Presidential Candidate. Now I don’t know who is who anymore, do you?


Tracy Morgan is back and he’s returning to Saturday Night Live!
August 17th, 2015 under Saturday Night Live, Tracy Morgan. [ Comments: none ]

A year and a half after Tracy Morgan’s devastating car accident, the comedian will finally returning to the stage. Morgan is going to guest host Saturday Night Live on October 17th and we will all be welcoming him with open arms. Although, I am sure he would like the women to greet him with open legs, so that he can put a baby in them.
I am so thrilled that he is finally feeling up to do doing what he does best and that is make us laugh. He expressed during his Today interview that he wasn’t sure if he would be able to do that again, but I am glad his confidence and his humor are back. There is only one Tracy Morgan and I am glad he is back!


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