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Samuel L Jackson acts out his motherf*cking career!
March 9th, 2017 under James Corden, Samuel L Jackson. [ Comments: none ]

Samuel L Jackson has been in so many movies, even he doesn’t know how many it has been.

Yesterday, on The Late Late Show, James Corden and him acted out a small fraction of them from Pulp Fiction to Soul Men with some huge hits in between like Snakes on a Place, Star Wars: Episode I and II, Shaft and many more in an 11 minute retrospect that will make you stand up and applaud his amazing work through the decades.

There is a reason why he is in so many films because no one takes over a scene like the biggest MoFo in Hollywood, Samuel L Jackson!

The best part of this highlight reel was watching him laugh hysterically when something went wrong because he is always serious in his movie. He needs to do a movie where he really gets to let go and have some fun. Could you imagine Ice Cube and him doing a straight-up comedy? Actually we would be laughing the hardest because both of them would try their hardest not to crack.


Samuel L Jackson yells at three cute little kittens
September 27th, 2016 under Jane the Virgin, Jimmy Fallon, Samuel L Jackson. [ Comments: 6 ]
Samuel L Jackson and Gina Rodriguez were on The Tonight Show yesterday and Jimmy Fallon challenged them to a new game called Truth or Door. Basically, they had to either answer a truth or accept whatever challenge was behind the door. Hollywood’s baddest guy not only told a truth, but decided to go for whatever was behind Door #1. That was when Steve Higgins rolled out a box of three purrfect kittens and told Shaft he had to yell at them as he explained why they should see his favorite movie. He walked over to the awwwdorable kitties and went all Snakes on the Plane on then as he told them why he loves The Raid 2.
And now those cute cats are no longer adoptable because they are scared of everyone. Which is why, I guess, they call them scaredy cats.
Lets be real here, weren’t you like, oh no, he is going to scream at that those sweet little faces that you just want to kiss over and over again? Then we did, you didn’t whether to laugh or feel sorry for them. It was a lot of mixed emotions!


Samuel L Jackson makes movie’s most famous catchphrases his own!
January 5th, 2016 under Samuel L Jackson, Stephen Colbert. [ Comments: none ]

Samuel L Jackson was on The Late Show yesterday and Stephen Colbert wanted to hear what it would sound like if the man who is in like every movie did famous catchphrases from movies he wasn’t in. He made infamous lines from films like Gone with the Wind, The Princess Bride, The Wizard of Oz, The Graduate, The Lord of the Rings, Dirty Dancing and The Lion King his own, and the world of film is a better place because of it.
Which of his now movie quotes are your favorite? For me, it is a toss up between the last two. But my all-time favorite will always be, “Enough is enough. I have had it with these mother f*cking snakes, on this mother f*cking plane!”
If you could hear him make one classic line from any movie his own, what would it be? I would love to hear him say, “I’m as mad as hell and I am not going to take this anymore,” from Network. How awesome would that be?


Laurence Fishburne is not Samuel L Jackson!
October 22nd, 2014 under Queen Latifah, Samuel L Jackson. [ Comments: none ]

Back in February, KTLA’s Sam Rubin confused Samuel L Jackson for Laurence Fishburne, and it didn’t go over too well with the actor. So it became Jackson’s mission to prove that Fishburne and him are two different people. He even went as far as making up a T-shirt that reads, “I am not Laurence Fishburne.”
Up until now, the story has only been one-sided. Today on Queen Latifah‘s daytime talk show, she gets the black-ish star’s reaction to it all. Believe it or not, people confuse him for the Snakes on a Plane bad a$$. So the host made sure that that will never happen again because she gave him a shirt that says, “I am not Samuel L. Jackson”.
So now you know who is Samuel L Jackson and who is Laurence Fishburne. I think?


BTWF roles: Samuel L Jackson in Ragtime
July 29th, 2014 under Before They Were Famous, Samuel L Jackson. [ Comments: none ]

Before Samuel L Jackson mastered breaking into places in several movies, he had problems breaking into a library in Ragtime. He looks the same now as he did when he was 32 in that 1981 movie.


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