Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Paris Hilton
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Jamie Lee Curtis blogs about Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan
June 11th, 2007 under Britney Spears, Jamie Lee Curtis, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]

As the denouement of a really upsetting celebrity scandal came to its close, a tearful child pleaded to her mother… "Mom, it's not right."

It was a painful episode to watch. A young woman, begging her mother, the person who should have taught her right from wrong, to help her, to teach her the rules of life. It was a little too late. And so she wept as the Universe was bringing the teaching and settling the score.

I'm in no glass house. I understand only too well the pitfalls of maternal amnesia and denial. I am not throwing stones but merely a lifesaver, a buoy of sanity and understanding.

"My analyst told me, that I was right out of my head," Joni Mitchell sang in the song "Twisted." I was twisted. I am twisted. I am deluded that my attempts at being liked and loved by my children and friends with them — all at the same time — were going to result in "well raised children." We were the generation that would take the job of raising our children and turn it into… PARENTING. We were the generation who applauded every move they made. Every step they took. "Good climbing, Brandon" was our hue and cry. We were raised by people who didn't "understand" us and now we don't "understand" why our children are so messed up.

It is a national epidemic. Omnipotent children running amok or sitting amok as they watch TV and play electronic games and shop on eBay.

The sad paths of the three most popular young women — privileged but from varying backgrounds, talented, beautiful and spectacular — have ended in prison, rehab and mental illness. I hope their mothers are worried sick and wondering, "What could I have done differently?" And our culture should be asking the same question too.

What we need to do is look long and hard at our part in all this. Where did our children get the message that the rules don't apply to them? And where did we, the Mothers, get the message that if we abdicate our responsibilities as Mothers, the Universe will do our job for us? And it does, but without any of the love and tenderness and compassion that we could have given, along with the lessons.

Now it's just the cold hard facts of a jail cell or the emptiness of a rehab room.

I'm not pointing fingers. I'm asking questions.

Can we take the wrenching sight of Paris asking her mother, "why?" and ask it of ourselves?

My analyst told me this: "Children are paparazzi. They take your picture mentally when you don't want them to, when you don't look good, and show it back to you in their behavior."

Let's hope that we all learn what is RIGHT and what is so WRONG.

Wake up, Mothers and smell the denial.

Jamie Lee Curtis on Huffington Post (blog) and Us Weekly (photo) 

She is so right! Dina Lohan and Kathy Hilton seem to be living their lives through their daughters and not being mothers to them. I think Britney's mother just lost control of her the bigger she got and never told her no. Future stage moms need to look at these women and realize that is not the correct way to raise your kids.  


Sweet Jesus, Paris Hilton has found the Lord. Amen
June 11th, 2007 under Paris Hilton, The View. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from Pop On The Pop)
Oy freaking G'Valt, Paris Hilton has turned into your typical prisoner and has found G-d. ABC News' Barbara Walters has scored the first interview with the imprisoned Paris Hilton and Paris admitted this to her, "I used to act dumb. That act is no longer cute. Now, I would like to make a difference. … God has given me this new chance." WTF? Oh please, I just can't believe her. But I do believe she acted dumb, but I do not expect her to change I think she is just saying it to try to redeem herself. 
Paris also told her what her jail experience is like,  "I was not eating or sleeping. I was severely depressed and felt as if I was in a cage. … It was a horrible experience." Kind of sounds like the claustrophobia rumors might be true and that her meds have kicked in.
So how did Barbara Walters score the interview, in one word luck. Kathy Hilton being the supportive mother that she is was on the phone with Walters when Paris called in and was relaying information to her mom to tell her. Finally Paris told her that she just wanted to speak to her directly and collect called her. Of course Walters accepted the charges and found out how Paris is doing. ABC and Barbara Walters will be exploiting this interview as much as possible starting with The View today.

UPDATE: Here is Barbars Walters talking about it on The View:

via Dlisted
I love she wants to create a Paris dollhouse for little girls. I wonder if it comes with a bar and a tanning saloon?


Paris Hilton weekend update
June 10th, 2007 under Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]


I will be honest with you with you guys, I am so over Paris Hilton already. I will continue to post because how can you not but I am so over it. Anyone else over it too? 

Paris Hilton will not appeal Friday's ruling according a statement released by her publicist: 

"Today I told my attorneys not to appeal the judge's decision. While I greatly appreciate the Sheriff's concern for my health and welfare, after meeting with doctors I intend to serve my time as ordered by the judge.

This is by far the hardest thing I have ever done. During the past several days, I have had a lot of time to reflect and have already learned a bitter, but important lesson from this experience.

As I have said before, I hope others will learn from my mistake. I have also had time to read the mail from my fans. I very much appreciate all of their good wishes and hope they will keep their letters coming.

I must also say that I was shocked to see all of the attention devoted to the amount of time I would spend in jail for what I had done by the media, public and city officials. I would hope going forward that the public and the media will focus on more important things, like the men and women serving our country in Iraq, Afghanistan and other places around the world."

Paris is still at Twin Towers medical facility and according to TMZ that is where she will spend the remaining days of her sentence. I think that is why she dropped her appeal. After spending the last two days crying and not eating, Paris is doing a little better today. She is not crying as much and is eating cereal and bread and is also getting her medicine. Today was also visitors' day and her two guests of choice were her sister and Stavros Niarchos. How messed up is it she did not ask her parents to come today to see her, they will have to wait until Tuesday to see her. I wonder if she is getting congical visits and that is why she choose Stavros over them?

That is about it for now, but I am sure there will be more. 

UPDATE: Nicky Hilton says Paris is being strong.


Jimmy Kimmel was hysterical on Friday
June 10th, 2007 under Jimmy Kimmel, Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]

And here is the wacky guy from the Friday Paris Hilton press conference:

via Jimmy Kimmel Live!
OMFG! Jimmy Kimmel was freaking hysterical with some of the jokes he made about Paris Hilton. I have to be honest I normally hate Jake Byrd, you know just like school on Sunday…no class, but he was perfect on Friday. I love his reaction they put the tarp on the fence. And I love the way Shep Smith (my favorite anchor) was fixated on him at the press conference and he was so right.


George Clooney bashes Paris Hilton
June 9th, 2007 under George Clooney, Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]

George Clooney who never bashes anyone that is not a Republican politician bashed Paris Hilton according to IOL
In an interview he said, "You can only get so far without discernable talent – then you either work, or use cheap publicity tricks to keep the public's attention," he said. "Paris has no reason to complain if she is on the end of bad publicity."
Dude you know it is bad if Hollywood's biggest charmer says something negative about you. Wow, I can't believe he did, but he is 100% right, don't you think?

UPDATE: George Clooney’s publicist sent out the below statement. Sorry I ever doubted you George Clooney
Statements made about Paris Hilton and attributed to George Clooney by KP International and picked up by other news sources, were in fact not made by Mr. Clooney.
Clooney demands an immediate retraction by KP International and further demands that the source of the story be named.
An immediate apology is expected.


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