Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lou Diamond Phillips
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Lou Diamond Phillips is covered in pussies!
June 12th, 2019 under Lou Diamond Phillips. [ Comments: none ]

Lou Diamond Phillips is the master of two Maine Coons, but I think we can all agree they are the true owners of him. The actor was just sitting on his couch when his two sweet furbabies decided that they both wanted to be on daddy’s lap. Causing him to suffer from Feline Paralysis.

Translation, when your cats actually want to use you as a pillow, you cannot move. Not because they are weighing you down. You just never know when or if it will happen again. You might have to go to the bathroom badly, but you will just hold it in. That package you have been waiting for that needs a signature. They will just have to come back tomorrow. That show or movie you really hate just came on the TV and the remote is out of reach. You will just suffer through it. That phone call you have been waiting for all week is calling in, but the phone is in the other room. Nothing, not even a million dollars will get you to move.

Anyone who thinks that they can train a cat never had one. They have us trained the minute we bring them home. That is just the way it is.

When it comes to LDP, he has never looked better to me than he does in this photo. Me-ow!


Lou Diamond Phillips is a pussy magnet!
February 27th, 2019 under Lou Diamond Phillips. [ Comments: none ]

After Lou Diamond Phillips did La Bamba , he becae one of the hottest actors with the ladies. Now, 30 years later, he is just as hot with the pussies. As in cats.

The actor posted this meowvelous photo with his three cats and said, “This happens so often I’m beginning to think that @YMPhillips launders my shorts in catnip.” I think he is right because how many of us cat owners can get one cat to stay on our laps like that. Let alone three. There is obviously something special about him.

Although, I feel bad for him. Anyone who has a cat knows that if you get that purrfect love from your kitty, you don’t want to move because you do not know if it will happen again. Therefore, I wonder how long he was stuck like that and how long he stayed like that after this picture was snapped?


Lou Diamond Phillips arrested on suspicion of DWI
November 3rd, 2017 under Arrested, Lou Diamond Phillips. [ Comments: none ]

Lou Diamond Phillips learned a very important lesson this morning. If you are going to drive drunk (WHICH YOU SHOULD NOT DO), do not stop and ask a cop for directions. According to San Antonio Express News, he pulled over and asked a cop for directions at 1:35a in Portland, Texas. The officer then says that he noticed he that the actor showed signs of intoxication, so the officer administered field sobriety tests which he failed. When they got back to the station, they say he blew a 0.20 BAC which is more than twice the legal limit.

The Texas native is in town to speak at the Voices of South Texas – Old Bayview Cemetery Comes Alive event. No word if he will make it because he is still be processed at the San Patricio County Jail in Sinton.


Oh Donna, it is a La Bamba reunion!
October 23rd, 2017 under Lou Diamond Phillips, Reunions. [ Comments: none ]

Thirty years ago, people feel in love with Ritchie Valens all over again, thanks to the brilliant job that Lou Diamond Phillips did in the bio pic. People fell in love with La Bamba and 3 decades later they are still watching the story about a singer whose life was sadly cut short at the height of his career due to a plane crash.

Over the weekend, Phillips was reunited with his movie brother Esai Morales and movie lover Danielle von Zerneck at The Hollywood Show. Seeing them all together like that makes you want to watch the film all over again. You also wish they could do a sequel, but as we know that is impossible.

When it comes to actors, they all look as good as they did in the 1987 film.

Finally, I have had Oh Donna stuck in my head ever since I saw this photo.


Antonio Banderas charmed the panties off of Lou Diamond Phillips!
November 12th, 2015 under Antonio Banderas, Conan O'Brien, Lou Diamond Phillips. [ Comments: none ]

Lou Diamond Phillips was on Conan O’Brien’s show yesterday and he talked about filming The 33 in a confined space with Antonio Banderas. The actors got to know each other so well, that the La Bamba star understands why women are infatuated with his sexy co-star. LDP did a spot impression of him. Then as he was finishing up, he basically admitted that Antonio is so sexy that your panties just fall off. Leading to him declare that Antonio Banderas is the “Pied Piper of Panties.” That he is! That he is!


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