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Paul Rudd meets his doppelganger, according to Lizzo
February 15th, 2023 under Lizzo, Paul Rudd, Seth Meyers. [ Comments: none ]

Back in December, Seth Meyers went drinking with Lizzo, and she thought one of his writers was Paul Rudd. He wasn’t.

So yesterday, when the real Paul Rudd was on Late Night, the NBC host brought out the writer to see if the two men look alike when you are sober.

The answer is they have the same eyes. And since the writer was wearing a mask and Lizzo was buzzed, you can see why she thought he was the Clueless star.

And when it comes to Rudd, he was just happy to hear Lizzo mention his name. So I can’t wait for her to meet him. You know their encounter will be super cute.

Back to Lizzo. During the time that she was day drinking with Meyers, she left a message on his dad’s voicemail in which she said her signature phrase, “Bye, bitch!” She felt so bad that she got his address and sent him flowers. She is a class act! No matter what the haters said.


Can you tell which is the real Lizzo and which is the wax figure?
February 1st, 2023 under Lizzo, Madame Tussauds. [ Comments: none ]

Lizzo is the latest celebrity to get a wax figure at Madame Tussauds Las Vegas, and they did a good as hell job.

I almost can’t tell the difference. However, because she has such a huge personality, a one-dimensional likeness can’t do her justice. But they came pretty gosh darn close. Don’t you agree?


Lizzo responds to the body shamers
January 7th, 2023 under Lizzo. [ Comments: none ]

Lizzo is a big grrrl, and she loves her body just the way it is! However, there are people who take pleasure in criticizing her saying she is too skinny now to she is too fat. So, she has a message for them.

“Are we OK? Do you see the delusion?” Then the singer added, “Do we realize that artists are not here to fit into your beauty standards? Artists are here to make art. And this body is art. And I am going to do whatever I want with this body!”

The thing I love most about Lizzo is that she is teaching girls body positivity. We all need to feel comfortable in our skin and not feel pressure to achieve something that is unattainable! If we want to change the way we look, we should do it because we want to and not because society tells us we need to look a certain way.

In a world filled of Kardashians, be a Lizzo.


Seth Meyers broke Lizzo!
December 14th, 2022 under Lizzo, Seth Meyers. [ Comments: none ]

Seth Meyers took Lizzo day drinking on NBC’s Late Night yesterday, and they got shitfaced. You can tell that the two of them had the best time doing it. And we had just as much watching!

There was so much laughing, even when she tried not to laugh. You have to see the Nog Nog Joke he told that had her falling out of her chair. It was so bad, but his delivery sold it, just like she told him to do.

However, that was not as funny as when he had to call his dad to apologize for the message she left on his voicemail. I wish Meyer’s mom recorded his dad’s reaction and shared it with all of us.

But it was the final minutes that will have you spit-taking like Lizzo. There was a masked man on the crew that she was convinced was Paul Rudd. So at the end, her reaction to seeing him without the mask is priceless. At that point, Meyers was the one on the floor laughing uncontrollably.

And the hardest laughter was yet to come. The singer couldn’t get out the words happy holidays without going into hysterics. Each time she failed, her laughter got deeper and louder. And then, when she tried to say the word masks, it was all over.

And with that, their day came to an end. But not without all of our stomachs hurting. Theirs from drinking too much alcohol, and ours from laughing with them.

I love Meyer’s Day Drinking segments. I just hope his liver can take it. I know mine couldn’t.

Seriously, this is just another reason why I say he is by far the best host in late night. He has the best monologues, tells the best jokes, and is the only one who can actually interview his guest correctly. I said it, and I mean it.


Lizzo and Seth Meyers get drunk!
December 13th, 2022 under Lizzo, Seth Meyers. [ Comments: none ]

Let’s be honest with one another. Day Drinking with Seth Meyers is the best ongoing bit in late night. The Late Night host has gotten shitfaced with Rihanna, Lorde, Will Forte, and Post Malone.

Tonight at 12:35a on NBC, he is going to get so drunk with Lizzo, and it is about damn time he asked her.

The singer shared a video that showed how they looked when they took their first shot and then their 20th. As we can see, they had a really good time. However, we won’t know how good of a time until we watch it tonight. I think we can all agree it is going to be good as hell.


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