Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lea Michele
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Is John Stamos looking at Lea Michele nude photos?
August 9th, 2016 under Full House, Glee, John Stamos, Lea Michele. [ Comments: none ]

John Stamos posted a photo of himself looking at his phone with Lea Michele, who was sitting next to him. He then asked us to guess what they were looking at. By their expressions, I am totally thinking that they are looking at her nude spread in Women’s Health UK. Either that or his naked butt shots in Paper Magazine.
What do you think the Scream Queens are looking at?


Is this the best that Lea Michele has ever looked?
April 23rd, 2015 under Glee, Lea Michele. [ Comments: none ]

Entertainment Weekly got their hands on the first pictures from Fox’s Scream Queens and Lea Michele looks different than she did on Glee. Gone is confident Rachel Berry and in her place is awkward Hester.
I have to say after seeing this picture, I am so excited for the show. Well that one and this one of Nick Jonas in bed!


Bangs make a big difference on Lea Michele
March 25th, 2015 under Glee, Lea Michele. [ Comments: none ]

Ryan Murphy shared a behind-the-scenes photo from the set of Scream Queens of Lea Michele and Jamie Lee Curtis, and I couldn’t get over how different the Glee star looks in it. It could be the puffy jacket, but I think it is because her bangs pinned back. It makes her looks older and not like in the she graduated from high school to go to college sort of way. Do you prefer her bangless or with bangs?
When it comes to the ’70s Scream Queen, she looks fantastic. I hope that Ryan Murphy adds some more real Scream Queens like her to his show.


Sultry Lea Michele!
August 10th, 2014 under Glee, Lea Michele. [ Comments: none ]

Lea Michele tries to be sexy time and time again, but I never see her that way. That is until she Tweeted this photo of herself in the back of a limousine on the way to the Teen Choice Awards. Who knew all she needed to be a temptress was to sit in the back of a car. But then again what adult doesn’t look tempting with their come hither look in the backseat of automobile. Because there is only one thing they are looking for with that expression in that location. At least that is how I do it!


Lea Michele is begging for a nip slip
May 13th, 2014 under Glee, Lea Michele. [ Comments: none ]

Getty Images
Lea Michele wore a dress, if you can call it that because it looks like a little robe to me, to the Fox Upfront Presentation; and it is miracle it stayed closed. Well probably not as much of a miracle as tape, but still. It’s like one little gush of wind and her boobs aew going to have another Spring Awakening.
I get that she thinks she looks taller the more skin she shows, but I am not sure I agree with her rationale. Do you?


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