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Whose better at #Riccing, Kelly Ripa or Michael Strahan?
January 14th, 2014 under Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, Michael Strahan. [ Comments: none ]

There is a new trend on Twitter called #Riccing in honor of its creator, petite actress Christina Ricci, who fits herself in to the tiniest places and Tweets a photo of it. Well Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan tried #Riccing and one of hosts from from Live with Kelly and Michael was more successful than the other one. In the former-football player’s defense, he didn’t have a chance in hell at this trend. Well maybe if he tried to fit one of those fridges at Costco, but other than that he is just too big to play the game. Still he gave it his best shot and because of that he scored a touchdown with me!


Mandy Patinkin loses the beard, but is that all?
December 5th, 2013 under Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, Mandy Patinkin. [ Comments: none ]

Mandy Patinkin was on Live with Kelly and Michael this morning and there was something very different about him. His big bushy beard was gone and Kelly Ripa had to know what is up with happened? He told her, “I shaved it the minute that I finished the last shot!” So does that mean he just revealed a huge spoiler about Saul’s fate on Homeland? I mean he has notoriously left two other shows (Dead Like Me and Criminal Minds) after just a few seasons, so is he doing the same with Homeland? We will just have to wait until the season finale to find out…Although I think we all know what is going to happen?


Kelly Ripa’s said her ‘crotch is nice and warm’ on Late Night!
November 26th, 2013 under Jimmy Kimmel, Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos. [ Comments: none ]

Kelly Ripa was on Late Night yesterday and Jimmy Fallon asked her how she stays in such good shape. The daytime talk show host told him that she goes to the gym 7 days a week, which is 7 more than Jimmy and me. Anyways the NBC late night host asked her if she wanted to try some sauna pants he recently got in the mail. Of course she wanted to and that led to her talking about how ‘nice and warm’ her crotch is and how his must be cold because he had a hole by his. To which he responded that was his nickname in college, Cold Crotch. I don’t know why, but that name is going to stick with me. Sorry Jimmy.


Adam Levine’s special talent!
November 19th, 2013 under Adam Levine, Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos, The Voice. [ Comments: none ]

Adam Levine was on Live with Kelly and Michael and he revealed an extraordinary talent he has. Back when The Voice coach was a kid, his aunt used to work as a writer on a show that taped every week. So of course, he would go to the tapings as much as he could. At the beginning of the season, the warm up guy said he would give anyone $20, who could balance a baseball cap on their nose. Well the Maroon 5 singer took that as a challenge and at the last taping, he took the guy up on his offer.
So watch as the now grown up kid attempts to that same trick. It is actually pretty cool, especially the way he ends it! I wonder what else he can do with his schnoz?


Holy Sharknado!
October 31st, 2013 under Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos. [ Comments: none ]

Live with Kelly and Michael had a lot of fun on the daytime talk show this Halloween and the best thing that they did (in fact it might be the best Halloween Treat in the show’s history) is a Sharknado Too trailer. Not only did Ian Ziering reprise his infamous role, but they also got some of the biggest names to chomp down on the sequel to the summer cult classic. Those names are Iron Mike Tyson, Samuel L Jackson who’s had enough of the mother f*cking sharks on the mother f*cking plane, Oscar winners Robin Williams, Cher, Robert DeNiro, Black-face Julianne Hough got what’s coming to her, a shark took a bite out of Vampire Diaries’ Ian Somerhalder, the Long Island Medium needs to work on her gift, Kelly Ripa brilliantly does Tara Reid, Jerry O’Connell in a Speedo again and the Terminator himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
If the names are not enough to get you to watch this brilliant parody, then I will tell you I laughed so hard I nearly peed in my Shark costume. If you thought Sharknado was a laugh out loud riot, then you are going to be in hysterics watching Sharknado Too: The Terror Continues.
If you need something else to make you laugh until you cry, then watch Michael Strahan and Kelly Ripa’s take on Fifty Shades and Ylvis’ What Does The Fox Say? Watch the latter all the way until end for a nice treat, I trick you not!


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