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Jimmy Fallon gets locked in a phone booth with a 10′ pyhton!
May 18th, 2019 under Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade, Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday on The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon played Phone Booth with Gabrielle Union. A game he quickly regretted playing.

It is a very simple game, they answer questions in a phone booth. If they get it right, a person is put in their opponent’s booth. If they get it wrong, they are placed in theirs.

Fallon thought he was in the clear when he got the first question right. Unfortunately for him so did the LA’s Finest star. When it came time for the NBC host to find out who would be joining him, he got a surprise. Animal Trainer Grant Kemmerer brought a friend with him, a 10′ python. How did Fallon, who is afraid of exotic animals, feel about it? As a disgraced comedian once said, “First you say it, then you do it.”

Which is why I love this game so much!


Jimmy Fallon, The Roots and The Who rock out with classroom instruments
May 16th, 2019 under Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]

The Who have a very distinctive sound that is hard to replicate. Yet, Jimmy Fallon and The Roots decided to try to do just that with The Who’s Won’t Get Fooled Again using classroom instruments on The Tonight Show yesterday. Thankfully they had Roger Daltrey and Pete Townsend to help them out. You know what, I think it migth be even better than the 1971 original.

Plus, I loved to see The Roots really let go. I never saw them break free like that before. Have you? The best part comes at the end when Townsend was smashing his plastic guitar and it broke. Even with toy instruments, you can still go full Rock star!


Paul Rudd spins me round like a record as Pete Burns!
April 26th, 2019 under Jimmy Fallon, Paul Rudd. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday on The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon and Paul Rudd recreated Dead or Alive’s You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) music video shot for shot. While it was not perfect, because there was only one Pete Burns, it was pretty gosh darn close. There was just something so cool about the singer not giving a sh!t when he did that shoot. Although, in the recreation, you can tell that Ant-Man was having a blast doing what he was probably doing his bedroom back in 1985 while watching MTV.


The Avengers didn’t start the fire
April 23rd, 2019 under Billy Joel, Chris and Liam Hemsworth, Don Cheadle, Jimmy Fallon, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johannsson. [ Comments: none ]

If you are like me, then you have only seen a handful of the Marvel Comics movies. Therefore, you want to see Avengers: Endgame, but you know you will have no idea what is going on because you missed so much of the story leading up to it.

Well, Jimmy Fallon and The Tonight Show has people like us covered. He got several of the superheroes to sing a cover of Billy Joel’s We Didn’t Start the Fire to tell the backstory we missed. Now I feel comfortable going to see the film. Once, I can actually find a screening of it that is not sold old.

BTW Watch this video all the way until the end for a very sweet ending that will bring a tear to your eye.


Are the Broadway Chers as good as the original?
April 16th, 2019 under Cher, Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]
Yesterday on The Tonight Show, they had Stephanie J. Block, Teal Wicks and Micaela Diamond, the three Chers in the Broadway musical, sing her everlasting hit If I Could Turn Back Time. Are they as good as her? As soon as she comes out and joins them you have your answer.

But then again as Cher told Jimmy Fallon during the NBC talk show, “I have never heard anybody do a really good one [impression].” Then she explained why, “They go make some noises and facial expressions, and I try to find myself in there and it’s just so much 🐂💩.”

That is why there is one and only Cher. There may be people that come close, but no one else can ever be her. It is all about her attitude and you cannot replicate that. The vocals, yes. The look, yes. The tude, nope.

Finally, Fallon thought it would be interesting for her to lipsync to Karaoke singers singing her hit Believe. To see her priceless reaction to doing it, then click here!


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