Back in 1999, Jessica Biel was asked about *NSYNC and she told them she was not a fan. Now that she has been married to Justin Timberlake for 7 years, his BFF Jimmy Fallon wanted to know if she is a fan now. Therefore, he asked her on The Tonight Show yesterday. Turns out, not so much. She could not even sing one of their songs if you dared her. At least she knows the chorus to one song and it is Bye, Bye, Bye. Something her husband won’t say to her but his bandmates might after this revelation.
Alec Baldwin was on The Tonight Show on Friday, but he still has not gotten over what Jimmy Fallon did to him the last time he was on. When he was on before, the NBC show made up a dummy to look like the actor. They even included a pillow to give it a little gut.
That was then, this is now and that gut is gone. Baldwin is so proud of his weight loss, he dropped his pants to show how loose they are now.
What is his secret? He did not say, I am assuming lots of sex and having 4 kids under 7 and one of the way. That will make anyone skinny or crazy or both.
Either Jimmy Fallon is a sadist or his staff is masochists. I say that because they brought back Sean Evans and his Hot Wings. The first time things did not go so smoothly for The Tonight Show host and this time, it went even worse.
At first, he and Priyanka Chopra were able to handle the heat, but then they could not stand being in Hell’s Kitchen. Actually, they could not sit and they could only stand because they were in so much pain.
They were dancing like they were at a Disco in the ’70s. Which gets us in the mood for the final question. That is when Evans asked Fallon to do a singing impression. Who did he choose? He went with the Bee Gees’ Stayin’ Alive and his notes might have been even higher the band’s vocals. Who knew that was possible. I guess if you eat a pepper that is more than 400 times hotter than a Jalapeno, you can hit those notes that only dogs can hear.
Remember in Fight Club when Ed Norton awkwardly punched Brad Pitt in the ear? Turns out the actor really clocked him there.
Yesterday when Norton was on The Tonight Show, he told Jimmy Fallon that the director, David Fincher, told him to connect with one of his co-star’s body parts. Therefore, he just went for it and nailed Pitt’s hearing organ.
Which is a good thing because had Norton done anything to destroy that beautiful face, he probably would not have worked in this town again. Which means, I would not have had Death to Smoochy. And it is all about me.
If you have never seen the film (like me) or forgot the scene, then click here!
Normally when Taylor Swift is on talk shows, the hosts kiss her a$$. For someone reason, Jimmy Fallon decided to not to do that on The Tonight Show yesterday.
First, he called her mom and asked her if she had anything incriminating on her daughter. Turns out she does. The singer recently got Lasix surgery and was a little drugged out afterward. Therefore, her mom grabbed her phone and recorded her daughter going for a banana. When Taylor did not get the one she wanted, she was ready to write a song about it. As in she started to cry. Then when she did get the one she wanted, she went to her bed and ate it in there.
Needless to say, Taylor is not happy with her mom. However, for her next embarrassing moment, she has no one to blame but herself. Fallon challenged her to a game of Name That Song. She was annihilating him until the last song. That is when he beat her to the buzzer. She will not be able to shake it off anytime soon that she missed that tune because it was Shake It Off.
I have a feeling we won’t be seeing her on The Tonight Show again anytime soon. I also think a lot of people in her life got an earful. On a positive note for, at least Kanye West was not the one embarrassing her this time around.