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JC Chasez is getting a lot of pussy with his new band
July 18th, 2023 under JC Chasez. [ Comments: none ]

It has been a long time since JC Chasez has been in a band. However, he found his new *NSYNC with Tabby 5. And now, JC stands for Just Catty and the Tabby 5.

What do you think of their first single, Wet Your Whiskers? I say it has the right Meow Mix. Even my cat raised her tail to them.


*NSYNC is so boring
May 1st, 2018 under Ellen DeGeneres, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass. [ Comments: none ]

Even though *NSYNC was the biggest boy band for their time, they did not live the lifestyle that other rockers would have in their position. That is at least according to what they told Ellen DeGeneres when they played Never Have I on her show today. The daytime talk show host asked them several questions about hooking up and they really did not do anything interesting.

You would, think Justin Timberlake would have have done everything, but it was really Joey Fatone and Chris Kirkpatrick who lived like rock stars. Which is sad because let’s be honest, they are the least hottest of the band. Although, I think Fatone has the best personality of the bunch.

JC Chasez might have been my favorite back them, but now I am all about the FatOne. Who is your favorite?


Keri Russell plays Marry, Shag, Kill her Mickey Mouse Club friends
April 14th, 2017 under Andy Cohen, JC Chasez, Justin Timberlake, Keri Russell, Ryan Gosling. [ Comments: none ]

Since Keri Russell can’t sing, we sometimes forget she was a member of the Mickey Mouse Club with Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.

Thankfully, Andy Cohen didn’t forget and yesterday on Watch What Happens Live, he asked her to Shag, Marry, Kill Ryan Gosling, Justin Timberlake and JC Chasez. Which did she chose for each of her former male co-stars? Felicity said she would kill Chasez because he was her friend and he will understand. Will he? I wouldn’t.

Then she said, “Shag, Justin because he is a good dancer.” Finally settling to marry Ryan Gosling. Lamer than lame.

If each of those three guys played the same game, I bet they would all kill her because who doesn’t want to shag and marry Britney and X-Tina over her?


An *NSYNC reunion
August 9th, 2016 under JC Chasez, Justin Timberlake. [ Comments: none ]

It seems like just yesterday that the boys of *NSYNC were teen idols, well now the hottest one in the group just turned the big 4-0. Yesterday, was JC Chasez’s big birthday and we are the ones that got the real gift. Not Justin Timberlake‘s D!ck in a Box, but all 5 band members were in the same room and posed for this photo. Maybe, now that they know how great it feels to be reunited, JC, Justin, Joey Fatone, Lance Bass and Chris Kirkpatrick will decide to tour as themselves again. What else do they really have going? I am sure a lot of people would pay to see them tell us Bye, Bye, Bye again.
BTW I would still do JC, who would you let boy band you all night long?


The *NSYNC reunion was like your first time
August 25th, 2013 under 2 Broke Girls, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake. [ Comments: none ]

After days of speculation that *NSYNC would reunite at the MTV VMA Awards, the moment finally came and they disappointed. After nearly ten minutes of Justin Timberlake performing his own music, it was finally time to bring out the other 4 guys that helped to make him famous. Joey Fatone, Lance Bass, JC Chasez and Chris Fitzpatrick sang the chorus of only two of their songs and they were done.
It was just like your first time. You anxiously wait for it to happen, then it when it is finally time and it is over before you knew it. So you are left disappointed wanting more and you don’t want to tell anyone how bad it really was because they keep telling you how awesome their experience was. It was just like that, years of waiting and done before it got started.
So did you think *NSYNC was in sync tonight?

UPDATE: Here is a group photo of *NSYNC
. Do they look as good as you remember them looking?


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