In 1997, the world fell in love with The Full Monty. It is a movie about a group of men who decide to do a striptease to make money.
Twenty years later, ITV decided to turn that film into a reality special where several celebrities took all of their clothes to raise money for charity. The Real Monty was such a huge success that it has become an annual special in the UK and has been replicated worldwide.
Later this year, it is coming to America on Fox to raise awareness for prostate and testicular cancer testing and research.
During the two-hour special, The Real Full Monty’s male celebrity talent will train and rehearse for the most revealing performance of their careers, culminating with a big strip-tease dance in front of a live audience. Leading up the final disrobing, the men will push their limits of comfortability, modesty, and brotherhood with a series of rehearsals and experiences, both private and public, designed to build confidence and remove them far from their comfort zone and strengthen their bond as a group. Along the way, each of the celebrities will share their personal stories of how cancer has impacted their lives.
“Sadly, cancer continues to impact millions of people throughout the world; and while science has made great progress in developing a cure, it’s so important that we keep fighting the battle against this horrible disease,” said Allison Wallach, President of Unscripted Programming at FOX Entertainment. “Through The Real Full Monty, we are leveraging the immense reach and power of broadcast to air this important call-to-action to educate viewers about cancer. If The Real Full Monty saves even one life, then having these brave men sharing their personal and poignant experiences with cancer will have been worth it.”
This sounds like it is going to be the show of the year. And we should start stocking up on tissues now. Something the men on the show will not be able to use because we will know if they do!
I told my actor friend, who will be living with cancer for the rest of his life, to apply to be on the show. I hope he gets it. Although, I don’t know if I want to see him SFW naked.
We are exactly one month away from the season 2 premiere of Animal Control. And Fox is not going to wait to give the highlarious sitcom another season. Therefore, today, they announced the show about an Animal Control team in Seattle will be back for another charming season.
“Animal Control is an incredibly irreverent series that expresses everything viewers expect from a FOX comedy,” said Thorn. “It has an amazing amount of momentum behind it, and we’ve been so impressed by the work Joel [McHale, Bob [Fisher], Rob [Greenberg], Dan [Sterling], Tad [Quill], Jake [Fuller], and the entire cast [Michael Rowland, Vella Lovell, Ravi Patel, Grace Palmer, and many different types of animals] are delivering for Season Two we wanted to reward them with the opportunity to deliver even more of this special show to fans next season.”
If you haven’t seen the first season, then you can watch it on Hulu and I promise you are going to love seeing all the animals they get to appear in the comedy, which is truly a comedy.
On the last season of Animal Control, the team dealt with vicious bunnies high on mushrooms. This season on the Fox sitcom, they take on drunk raccoons at a bowling alley.
And now, March 6th can not come soon enough.
I can’t wait to see all the trouble Shred (Michael Rowland), Emily Price (Vella Lovell), Amit Patel (Ravi Patel), and Victoria Sands (Grace Palmer) get into this season. And what animals will make guest appearances on the series besides the raccoons, monkey, goat, and tortoise seen in the trailer?
Of course, I can’t leave out pussy magnet Joel McHale, who is surrounded by cats! His dog must be so jealous.
If you didn’t watch last season’s funniest show, then catch up on the first season on and Hulu before the second season premiere.
Fox’s Reality casting department really worked its magic. Because tonight at 9p on We Are Family, they got a legend to be a contestant on the singing guessing game.
The singer is such a massive star; I would love to know how they got him.
Although, what makes WAF such a touching show is that the mystery guests said yes in order to help their family members get some television exposure. And it was obvious that the Rock’n’Roll Hall of Famer agreed to do it to help their loved one.
So, I hope it works out for this family and the other families that compete on the show.
If you are unfamiliar with the show, I will give you a quick recap. Three singers compete each week, and the audience has to guess who their family member hiding behind the sphere is. Sounds easy, but it is hard. I get more wrong than right.
But I am not watching to win. I am watching for the reveals because it is so heartwarming to see the celebrities praise their relatives! Sometimes, like tonight, happy tears come to my eyes.
And there are also tears of laughter shed because host Anthony Anderson and his Mama Doris are so hilarious together.
UPDATE: To see who Julian’s father is, then click here!
Tonight at 9p on Fox, we are getting a singing competition which is unlike anything we have seen before.
We Are Family is hosted by Anthony Anderson and his Mama Doris, who steals the show. Why she doesn’t have her own show, I don’t know. But she is perfect for this one.
So, what is We Are Family about? Like I said, it is a singing competition. But the singers don’t win anything.
They are just there to perform as the studio audience tries to guess who their celebrity relative is.
There are three rounds in each game. During the first round, the family member sings one song solo as clues are shown behind them. Then, after the audience gives their guesses, they sing again with their famous relative, who is behind a sphere. More clues are shown on the screen to help the audience.
Now, it is time for the reveal! And we find out how many people got it right. Those who did get to share a $20,000 prize.
It is the same for the second round, but this time, they share a $30,000 prize.
The person who was the quickest to buzz in moves on to the final round, where they can win $75,000 if they guess correctly.
What makes the show so special is not only the Andersons but also the fact that the celebrities are doing this show to help their family member get some exposure. That’s right; they got to choose who they wanted to put front and center.
I love it when families help each other out. And this show makes that happen. Plus, we get to find out that some of these celebrities are actually good singers.
Who are these celebrities? They are actors, singers, comedians, and athletes. So it is nice to hear a different side of them.
We Are Family is The Masked Singer meets Claim to Fame with a lot of heart.
Therefore, it is the perfect show that you can watch with your whole family show. And the celebrities are famous enough that every generation can guess who they are.
Tune in tonight, and I promise this will become your newest addiction. We will all be talking about who they got, how good they were, and can you believe what Mama Doris said.
I have a feeling We Are Family is going to be around for a few more seasons because it is just that much fun!