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Jimmy Fallon and Patty Smyth sing Goodbye to You to a Scandal-ous Donald Trump
November 12th, 2020 under Donald Trump, Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]
Back in 1982, Patty Smyth sang Goodbye to You with Scandal. Now, 38 years later, Mrs. John McEnroe is singing an updated version about Donald Trump with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show.

Do you know what? It is almost as good as the original. That is why the singer will always be a warrior! That and she looks the same now as she did then.


Alec Baldwin says goodbye to playing Donald Trump
November 8th, 2020 under Alec Baldwin, Donald Trump, Saturday Night Live. [ Comments: none ]

Now that Donald Trump lost the election, Alec Baldwin is finally done playing him on Saturday Night Live. Yesterday, after filming his final episode, he wrote on social media, “It’s been fun. And thanks for watching.”

I am sure he is going to miss playing “our favorite president.” That sentence is as full of truths as the ones that come out of the sore loser’s mouth every time he speaks.


Berlin’s Madame Tussauds gives Donald Trump the perfect sendoff
November 3rd, 2020 under Donald Trump, Madame Tussauds. [ Comments: none ]

Madame Tussauds in Berlin is expecting Donald Trump to lose today. Therefore, they threw his wax statue in a dumpster. They literally dumped Trump.

“Today’s activity is rather of a symbolic character ahead of the elections in the United States,” the museum’s marketing manager Orkide Yalcindag told Reuters. “We here at Madame Tussauds Berlin removed Donald Trump’s waxwork as a preparatory measure.”

Sadly, for all, this removal is only temporary. At some point, they will bring him back. They just didn’t say how or where they would put him. I think we all have some suggestions where they can put him.


Glenn Close’s scariest role since Fatal Attraction
November 1st, 2020 under Donald Trump, Glenn Close. [ Comments: none ]

If you thought Glenn Close was terrifying in Fatal Attraction when she boiled Michael Douglas’ bunny rabbit, then you will be horrified when you see what she is doing now. She dressed up as Donald Trump, and I won’t be sleeping for days. Partially, because of her costume. Mostly because of the election. Light a candle for America. We need it.

I wonder how different Trump’s life would have been had he had an affair with someone like Close’s character Alex Forrest, instead of porn stars.


Joe Biden’s campaign gets catty
October 19th, 2020 under Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

Donald Trump has been trying to start a catfight with Joe Biden for years. Well, now Biden’s campaign is ready for it. First, they went to the dogs for a commercial. Now, they got felines to take part in one, and my kitty approves of his ad.

If Trump wants to do an advertisement with animals that represent him, he could use snakes, rats, jackasses, and slugs. Did I leave any out?


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