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Conan’s Trump Bot looks more real the real thing!
August 6th, 2015 under Conan O'Brien, Donald Trump. [ Comments: 1 ]

In order to get ready for tonight’s Republican Debate, several of the candidates are using a Trump Bot to prepare for beating Trumo. Up until last night it was secret, but Conan O’Brien got his hands on one and debuted it on his TBS show. I couldn’t believe how life life it looks, but then again everything looks life like as compared to Donald Trump. Even the hair looks more real than The Donald’s, but then again so does an overused bear rug that has never been washed. I could keep going on, but I will let you do it.
BTW is it just me or does the Trump Bot look like a lot like Conan?


Donald Trump is disgusting!
July 30th, 2015 under Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]
Donald Trump tried to trademark his Apprentice catchphrase “You’re fired,” but seems there is something he says more often. That word is, “disgusting.” He says it so much that Jimmy Kimmel Live was able to compile him saying the word in several different scenarios. They say you are the word you say, so I think he is that word since he says it so much. I know I say bitch a lot, and that is what I am. What word do you say a lot?


BTWF talk shows: Donald Trump on Late Night with David Letterman
July 21st, 2015 under Before They Were Famous, David Letterman, Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

Before Donald Trump couldn’t stop telling people how much he is worth, he had no idea how much he was worth on Late Night with David Letterman. He is just as pompous now as he was when he was 41 during that 1987 talk show appearance.


Alec Baldwin says he’ll endorse Donald Trump
July 19th, 2015 under Alec Baldwin, Donald Trump. [ Comments: none ]

Alec Baldwin, a known Liberal, says he is willing to endorse the very conservative Donald Trump, if he does one thing for him when he gets elected. If Trump wins, he wants to become the Ambassador to Spain. Why? Sounds like he doesn’t want to live in a country where Trump is President and wants to Government to pay his way out. Which is a good deal for him, but what about the rest of us?


Some think Donald Trump is an a$$hole, so why not stick him up one?
July 13th, 2015 under Donald Trump. [ Comments: 7 ]

Ever since Donald Trump announced that he is running for President, several people have wanted to tell him to eat sh!t. Well, Political Sculptor found a way for him to do exactly that. He has been coming up with butt plugs for a while, and his latest one is of Trump himself.
The Mexican immigrant explained his decision and it’s simple. He was born in Mexico, moved the United States when he was 11, studied 3-D animation in college and now owns a 3-D printing business. He is not a rapist, drug dealer or murderer, and he wanted Trump to know that. If The Donald doesn’t like it, he can shove that information right up his a$$. Just like many people will be doing with the butt plug made in the mogul’s image.
I say for $27.99, it is worth every penny. Although as my friend mentioned, that combover might be quite painful. So be careful, as you tell him, “You’re fired,” before you show him what he can do with those two words. I guess that is what they mean by pain in the a$$!
BTW Political Sculptor Trump isn’t the only Presidential candidate to get a butt plug, Ted Cruz is cruising along with him.


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