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Did this Ellen DeGeneres bit trump all of her other ones?
September 24th, 2015 under Donald Trump, Ellen DeGeneres. [ Comments: 1 ]

Ellen DeGeneres has done some great bits throughout her show’s run, but I think this one might be her best one yet. She took last week’s Republican Debate and edited out all the Presidential Candidates that weren’t named Donald Trump. So she has The Donald debating The Donald, and it is his dream and our nightmare. But it shows what a narcissist childlike bully the 69 year old truly is. That and it worked perfectly. Don’t you think it is HUGE?


Ladies, want to dress like a sexy Donald Trump for Halloween?
September 21st, 2015 under Donald Trump, Halloween. [ Comments: none ]

Halloween is just over a month away and have you picked out your costume yet? Ladies, if you haven’t, then for $69.95 you can dress like Donald Trump to hand out candy. If that doesn’t scare kids, I don’t know what will?
Actually, I think Yandy‘s Donna T Rumpshaker looks more like Jennifer Aniston dressed as a schoolboy up than Trump running for President.


Donald Trump talked about running for President in 1988
September 14th, 2015 under Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 1988, Oprah Winfrey had Donald Trump on her show and she asked him if he would ever run for President. He told her, “Probably not.” Then when she asked him why, he told her, “I just don’t think, I really have the inclination to do it. I love what I am doing. I really like it.” But then he added, “I do get tired of seeing what is happening with this country. And if it got so bad, I would never want to rule it out totally.” Now 27 years later, he felt things are bad enough in this country that he is running for President.
As the show went on, she asked him about telling her that if he ran he would win. He responded by saying, “I think I’d win. I tell you what, I wouldn’t go in to lose. I have never gone in to lose in my life.”? Then he added, “I think I have a helluva chance of winning.”
Is he his own Nostradamus? I pray not. He scares the crap out of me. Because as you can see from this interview in 1988, he is still as pompous today as he was then. He thinks he always right and he isn’t. If he hasn’t changed in 27 years, how can we expect him to run the country when sometimes you are going to be told no by Congress, Senate and most importantly the People? You can’t.
And yes, his horrible hairstyle hasn’t changed in 27 years either. If he can’t see how bad his hairdo is in all of this time, how can we expect him to see how bad he would be for this country if he won. What President in our lifetime has had bad hair? It is important to have good hair if you are going to be the President of the United States. People need to look up to you and just not look at your hair and wonder what the hell is going on in there?


Jimmy Fallon was actually tough on Donald Trump!
September 12th, 2015 under Donald Trump, Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]
Donald Trump was on The Tonight Show yesterday and I was expecting Jimmy Fallon to be really easy on him. Turns out he wasn’t. Since the NBC host is the nicest guy on late night television, his jabs aren’t as obvious. So if you watch the mirror interview and the real one with that in mind, you will see he called him out on a few things.
During the mirror segment, he asked him how he was going to make America great again, and Trump didn’t answer. He asked him again and still no answer, which proves he doesn’t know how. Then Fallon asked him about building the wall between Mexico and the US, and Trump let him answer. Jimmy said invite Mexico to a game Jenga and after they set up the wall, say you don’t want to play. As ludicrous as that sounds, it is the same as Trump saying he is going to get Mexico to build the wall. It ain’t going to happen.
When it comes to real interview, Fallon got his jabs in there too. He asked the Republican Presidential candidate a question and Trump’s answer was so all over the place that Jimmy was like I think you answered the question, I don’t know what I asked you any more.
Then at the end, Fallon asked if he has ever apologized. Trump said he only apologizes if he is ever wrong. I don’t know about you, but I think he has been wrong a lot. And the things that he has done that have been wrong started long before he was running for POTUS.
Trump is truly someone who looks at the world through rose colored glasses and I wish he would take them off and see what it really means to be President of the United States. The position is more than an ego trip and he needs to realize that before all of those people get him elected.
To see the rest of the interview, then click here!


Jimmy Kimmel Live nails Donald Trump’s campaign!
August 29th, 2015 under Donald Trump, Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]
Jimmy Kimmel Live created an ad for Donald Trump’s Presidential Campaign and it’s great! Why is it great? Because I say that it is great. I don’t have to tell you why it is great, I just have to tell you that is great and you will believe me that it is great.
Just like all of Donald Trump’s supporters believe that he will make America great again just because he says he will make America great again.


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